Evan — Nimble Co.
8 days ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Now Open! Big Freebies & Project Updates

Hey everyone, Evan here!

The Backerkit pledge manager and surveys just went out to all of the backers! Expect it in your inbox shortly if you haven't received it already. You'll be able to update your address and change your pledge level, or select different addons if you like.

Note that you MUST fill this out in order to receive your pledge rewards. If you don't receive it, you can access the pledge manager with this link: https://nimble2.backerkit.com/ (I'm working on finalizing the shipping costs, that'll be sorted out soon hopefully)

Even though it didn't make it as a stretch goal, I was able to squeeze one more cool freebie into the Boxed Set: A CLOTH MAP! If you ordered the boxed set, you don't have to do anything, it'll be included for free. I just love setting maps so much, I had to do it! Here's a preview of the draft map:

I'm also considering giving everyone who ordered the softcover books (so they don't feel too left out) a free upgrade to hardcover books. It'll cost me a bit more in production, but I can eat that cost if it means you all get a better end product. To me this is a nice upgrade, but want to get a sense of how everyone else feels. If you ordered the softcover books, would you mind if they were upgraded to hardcovers? I don't expect it to appreciably affect shipping costs in case you're worried about that.

I was able to get one other sneaky little unexpected addon into the pledge manager, some custom Nimble dice! I've been working with a US based dice manufacturing company designing some cool custom dice for the past little while and I think they turned out great (a super cool matter black & gold). I'm super excited about getting my set!

Being completely custom dice, they are a premium product and... a bit pricey! You definitely do NOT need these dice to play. Whatever dice you already have will work just fine. But if you're in a good financial spot and like this sort of premium thing—I was able to negotiate a pretty steep discount with them by not taking any cut of the proceeds (so they're HALF the price of what they normally sell custom dice for). All the proceeds for the dice go straight to them, so go ahead and give them some love if you like the dice as much as I do <3

I've been streaming regularly on discord and youtube with pretty constant updates, and we're making great progress. I say "we" because it really has become a community effort, the people on discord have had so much great feedback the improvements have been coming in really fast. Thank you all for your  support, feedback, questions, and contributions!

Project Progress
  • The Heroes book is content complete, all that remains is some minor balancing tweaks and the final edit. 
  • The Core rules, likewise is largely done, I'm awaiting a couple more pieces of art there. 
  • For the GM guide/Adventure, I'm nearly done now! A TON of work has gone into the monsters seciton, encounters are now super easy to put together (we've eliminated the 5e CR system for a much more intuitive monster level system: 1 monster level = 1 hero level, so a party of 5 level four heroes can take on two level 10 monsters, 5 level four monsters, etc.), the bestiary has some really FANTASTIC monsters, that are flavorful, story-wise, mechanically and at the same time are easy to run.

I'm working on wrapping up the final bits of content and expect to be done in the next couple weeks. Then more playtesting, the final edits and sending it off to the printer!

Hurricane time for me in FL though, you guys pray for me and the family, it just made landfall!

– Evan @ Nimble co.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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