It's been a very busy past few weeks, despite 2 hurricanes here in Florida, I've been able to make tremendous progress with the GM guide, Heroes, and Core Rules books. You can use the same link you received earlier if you backed or preordered, and I'll be sending out a link via backerkit shortly as well.
A BUNCH of new adventure content has been added, the core rules has been streamlined and reads much more smoothly now, and the heroes are much better balanced as well. Still more work to do yet, but we're getting close! Lots of playtesting, proof reading, waiting on some more art and writing, but we're getting close to having a finished game now! Once the files are finalized, the price is going to up to the normal retail price, FYI. Want to give people a fair warning.
For the core rules, the 1.8 draft is testing doing what we did for STR/CON (and a bunch of skills) with WIS and CHA. Combining them into one more useful stat as well as a few other minor tweaks. It's a minor change that has a bunch of quality of life improvements while not affect balance or class flavor, just streamlining the character sheet and eliminating dump stats/trap options. Feedback so far has been positive, and I think this is how it should have been from the very beginning.
Numerous other small tweaks, balance changes, and layout updates as well. Everyone on the Discord server has been just absolutely fantastic, so BIG thank you to the entire community.
I've finally been able to lock down shipping weight and prices with my fulfillment partner, they've told me these prices are inclusive of VAT and other fiddly charges so there should't be any surprises. Whether or not you've already filled out your survey you can confirm the shipping prices look correct (please let me know if anything looks off though). UPS ground in the chart below is for US only, international orders will be handled by my fulfilment partner.
I'm finalizing talks with the printers waiting on one more thing that's coming this week (there's a chance we can print in the EU and have a quicker turn around time). I want to put on your radar that the different printers have VERY different delivery estimates, some estimate just 10-12 weeks, others estimate delivery all they way out to APRIL of next year. Not sure if either one is being overly optimistic or pessimistic but I want you all to know what I know.
About the bonus map in the boxed set, I'm unsure if the printer can make it to our specs in cloth (more on that soon), at minimum it'll include a paper one but I'm still pushing for cloth. I am also confirming that the softcovers will all be upgraded to hardcover books. The vast majority of people saw this as an upgrade, it'll cost me more but will simplify printing & logistics (and it's higher quality).
If you want to adjust your order with this information please do so, I don't want anyone disappointed.
As always feel free to DM me on discord or email me directly [email protected] with any questions or issues and I'll do what I can to help.