Evan β€” Nimble Co.
7 months ago

Project Update: πŸŽ‰ New Stretch Goals & Nimble Combat Livestream!

Hey everyone!

Evan here, and we've knocked down yet another stretch goal! Work on the Foundry VTT module is already well underway and I was able to get into touch with the nice folks at Alchemy VTT and (while they're very busy currently) there is a chance we could get Nimble support on Alchemy in the coming months as well.

The next stretch goal is for an upgraded GM screen for the backers at the Boxed Set pledge tier. It was originally planned to be a 4 panel screen made of card stock and honestly it would have been good enough.

BUT what I'd really like to give you all is a more legit premium GM screen. Not just cardstockβ€”but thicc, stable greyboard panels like the official D&D screens. And since this GM screen is smaller to begin with (A5 sized instead of A4), FIVE panels would provide a bit more coverage around your secret GM notes than 4 panels (and more space for quick reference notes on the GM side). It'll be the perfect size for using at the table, not too tall to where it blocks your vision, and not to small to where it doesn't adequately intimidate your players. πŸ’ͺ  

Unfortunately, the GM screen is only for the people backing at the Boxed Set tier...BUT the next stretch goal is for EVERYONE. A spicy new Shadowmancer subclass?? Maybe...

Nimble Combat Livestream Today!

I'm going to try a test livestream with some youtubers a little later today (~2:15 pm EST) maybe it'll work? Maybe we'll have technical difficulties? Join us and find out! Let me know if this is something you're interested in doing more of, I'm thinking of doing a livestream read though of the full draft rules & classes. Leave a comment if that sounds interesting to you.


Nimble on Reddit 

Someone from the community has created a Nimble reddit page for those of you into that sort of thing! https://www.reddit.com/r/nimble5e/

Later this week, another class preview! 

Which would you like the most? Songweaver (Bard), Shepherd (Cleric), Hunter (Ranger), Commander (Fighter), Stormshifter (Druid), Swift (Monk).
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