about 1 month ago

Project Update: Update #15: Latt-Ray Sample Is Here!


Things got a bit ahead of me at the beginning of the year but the first (and maybe final?) Latt-Ray sample is not only done but just arrived to me last night!! I am so pleased with Latt-Ray! She is very light, and upon testing the pouch, she can fit my phone (a larger Pro size), keys, and wallet no prob since the pouch extends wing to wing. She has an exactly 13.5" wingspan, as we had estimated she'd be. She turned out pretty much exactly as I'd hoped but I do plan on having the straps a *little bit* longer for folks who want/need to adjust longer. As a reminder, here's what the design looked like:
Latt-Ray Mockup from the campaign

And here are some pictures of her!! Even the inside lining turned out great <3
Hope you all enjoy her as much as I do ;o; I'd love to get the ball rolling on her production as the others are finishing up. For folks who have ordered her and have been waiting, I plan to add a little latt-ray sticker to y'all's orders as a thank you for your patience - more info soon! P.S. Enjoy these photos with my cat Pelly in the background haha.

Oh! And the magnets came in! But they turned out a little smaller than expected oops, so I will be reordering them this week. Sticker sheets should be here soon too!

Thank you all so so so much for being so supportive through all of this! Be back soon with more updates!
<3 Nicole
user avatar image for Munespice





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