Melsonian Arts Council
15 days ago

Project Update: Sutlers for Everything pt. 5

You hurl yourself onto the piscean, slipping your fingers into its flapping gills for grip. It jumps and kicks like a Rockette but you're used to handling these slippery devils and manage to manoeuvre your arms around its belly and SQUEEEEEZE.

The fish seems to cry "oy mate, whatchu think yer doing?" and coughs up a purple beast. The customer's rush of affection and kisses to the now-slimey creature identifies it as their mammal, and its loud protestations mark it as the owner of the angry voice you just heard.

The salesforce arrives and chase away the other two pisceans, while you sit firm on the one you so bravely hugged.

The owner is so happy that they write you a cheque for 100p, and won't take no for an answer. As a reward for your excellent customer service, the floorwalkers excuse you from clean-up duty on this incident and give you a 20-minute unpaid break.


You are leaning on the counter, day dreaming between customers, when a hairy hand slaps down a note in front of you. Leaning over a bit, you spy a mandril in a slightly mangled hotel porters uniform. The note, crumpled and stained, is a shopping list of fish with instructions to charge it to the Blancmange & Thistle account.

No one else is around to ask, or to take charge of this monkey. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Option 1. This monkey has clearly stolen an old uniform and a shopping list and is trying his luck at getting a load of free fish. No way! Shoo!

Option 2. Who am I to argue with a monkey in uniform? Here are your fish, sir.

Option 3. I know I shouldn't leave my post, but this is a lot of fish. I'll escort you to the
Blancmange & Thistle myself and hopefully get back before anyone notices.
110 votes • Final results




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