Melsonian Arts Council
5 months ago

Project Update: Sutlers For Luxury

The thrilling retail adventures of SUTLERS FOR EVERYTHING will continue tomorrow, where we will learn the answers to questions such as how hard can a child throw a sugar rat? and just how wet is that well?

In the meantime, I am here to ask you all to spread the word! This campaign is the ideal place for someone to start their foray into the world of Troika by bundling up a copy of Get It At Sutlers with a wicked-cheap copy of the core rules of Troika. So no-one has any excuses! Sutlers For All!

You can help us out by doing such things as:
  • Sharing images on Instagram
  • Telling the oldies on Facebook
  • Casually bringing it up in conversations on the vestiges of the old internet forums (Reddit, and... AOL boards?)
  • Starting conversations about it with strangers on public transport

We're having a grand old time, and the book has already been a stomping success, but we all want to unlock that Melsonian USA franchise, right? Sutlers For Gencon!

If we hit 2000 backers we'll take Melsonia to GenCon next year!
Goal: 1,045 / 2,000 backers
We need 955 more to reach this goal.




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