Melsonian Arts Council
6 months ago

Project Update: The Project is FINISHED!

Thankyou to everyone who supported this weird adventure! We're already hot on the last steps of laying it out and getting it ready to print, so hopefully you won't be left hanging for too long.

You unlocked a bunch of cool stuff as well, which we'll get to work on while the printing happens. Those Welcome Packs are gonna be a fun little collector's item in a few years, I bet. 

Contract of employment UNLOCKED!
A signed contract of employment with Sutlers LTD, outlying your responsibilities and compensation.

Code of conduct leaflet UNLOCKED!
The essential guide to dress and comportment while on and off the premises as an employee of Sutlers.

Vermin Identification Guide -  UNLOCKED!
Know your pests! Quickly tell the difference between a whale flea and a tongue-eating mouse with this handy guide booklet.

Incident Report Forms -  UNLOCKED!
Tripped and fell at work? Mauled by a customer? Bitten by a land-shark? Colleague kidnapped by the Night Manager? Please fill out this form.

Do Not Serve List -  UNLOCKED!
All front-of-house staff must remain alert for these barred customers. Considered armed and extremely rude.

Sutlers Catalogue & Recall Notices -  UNLOCKED!
It is mandatory that Sutlers staff remain up to date on new products and those products which the courts have determined to be "a danger to public welfare". Pfft!


So yea! Work is steaming ahead, and we will be continuing the THRILLING ADVENTURES of "Sutlers for Everything" until we send out the PDFs at least, so stay tuned and vote to keep our communal homunculus alive and working!






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