11 months ago

Project Update: Meat Pop Plush Updates

It's a little weird to go from posting every day to...not 😂 This part of the campaign can be a little boring, admittedly, but I like engaging with you guys so I think it's worth asking: do you prefer smaller, frequent updates or meatier ones spaced further apart? 

The update today is a fairly small one. Discussing the meat pop with my manu now and purple striped faux fur is NOT an easy find apparently. I've sent some alternatives since the vibe is more important to me than exact colors and patterns.

I've also updated all the moths to the new, fluffier base!

I hope to start sketching the character art for the new designs and have something to share next week. That remains as one of the biggest hurdles apart from prototyping itself, but I'm sure once I'm in the zone it will fly by just like everything else has!

Last but not least I want to remind everybody that surveys will be released sometime shortly after the 19th. For folks wondering what's taking so long-- funds are still processing and backers have not yet been imported into the pledge manager (this is normal) so there's little I can do on my end.

I know the wait stinks, but we're in this one for the long haul fellas so strap in and trust the process! 💖
user avatar image for McMadmissile




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