Magnetic Press
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Ambassador Points have been awarded!

Hey, everyone!

While the warehouse gets all of the packages assembled for imminent shipping (and without getting into all of the discussion from the last update), we wanted to announce this bit of news which should hopefully salve some spirits...


If you missed the mention on the campaign page, every pledge includes a number of Ambassador Points equivalent to your final order total (including postage). These are unique reward points that can be collected and redeemed for discounts and rewards on our webstore, and a great way to support Magnetic Press further (while building up a collection of cool books and stuff in the process)!

If you are already a webstore customer and part of the program, just log into your webstore account (which should be under the same email address as your Backerkit account). You should see those new points added to your balance under the heading "DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN Pledge Points."

If you don't have an account on our webstore, your points have been tallied, but you will need to complete registration for us to add them. 😊

For a walkthrough of how to register, just follow the steps on our webpage:

You can use points for discount codes, gift cards, and occasionally for exclusive collectible items that you can only get using points! It's definitely a fun program that we'll be building upon very soon!

If you don't see your DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN points in your account, or if you have any questions about the above, please send us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP. Please note that if you haven't completed your Backerkit order, your points have not been awarded yet, so check to make sure your survey and any remaining payments are complete. (That includes about 50 of you...)

While we understand some of you who are new to crowdfunding or any of our earlier campaigns may chose to wait until you've finally received your DRACULA/FRANKENSTIEN pledge before considering any further support of Magnetic Press, we know that the majority of you are hopefully familiar enough with the process and comfortable enough with our excellent track record and quality after 30 successful campaigns to consider the following:

If you're looking to earn even MORE Ambassador Points, our current Kickstarter campaign is ending at 5pm PST TONIGHT...! If you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor a take a look! It's a great book with some exciting rewards, a bunch of campaign-exclusive items, and a ton of (FREE!) bonuses already unlocked! 😊

Less than 6 hours left! You won't want to miss out!

Thanks everyone! As soon as we have some news/confirmation about shipping, you'll be the first to know! 😊

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