Magnetic Press
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Addresses Locked! Packing starts next week!

Hey, everyone!

Well, this is embarrassing. We had written an update several weeks ago (Oct 20th) explaining how we were going to be locking addresses that weekend with an updated timeline of shipping... We went through the address lock process as described, but that update sat unpublished in our project dashboard this entire time. Please forgive us, that was not intentional procrastination; we're still getting used to Backerkit's community management/comment/update system... (They have different colored "save" and "publish" buttons, and apparently, we failed to hit BOTH... 🤦‍♂️)

We noticed that lapse today as we jumped in to report some genuine NEW news: ORDER PACKING SHOULD BEGIN NEXT WEEK!

The warehouse has received everything and should have it all checked in by Friday so that they can start assembling orders next week. They're pretty organized and quick, so we're fairly optimistic that everything can be out the door and on the way to you by the end of this month. Certainly, Thanksgiving will black out a couple of days for them, but that's to be expected. The holidays always get busier for them, starting roughly now, but we're in the queue and are looking good. 😊

While we'd ideally like to avoid any address changes after this point, if you need to change your address after this weekend and before shipping actually begins, please reach out to us at [email protected] as soon as you can and we'll help get your order updated manually. We need to send the warehouse the final addresses on Monday, however, so beyond that date, changes may be difficult.

Thanks, everyone! We know it has been a longer wait than the original September target, but we're doing the best we can to navigate what we can control! Thank you for your support, excitement, and patience! It will be worth it! 😊

And hey -- if you're feeling generous and open to checking out our next campaign that just launched today, please take a look at FRONTIER! It's manga-chibi hard-sci-fi, not quite the same vibe as Bess's classic horror, but you may love it just the same! (We certainly do!)

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