Magnetic Press
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Gold tier satisfaction

Hey everyone, specifically to the first 500 Slipcase Backers --

We have you covered.

In hindsight, we should have worked this out before opening a can of worms here in the open forum. It was an easy enough solution, and considering the coins are still a few weeks away from being delivered, there was time to get a gold bookplate made for those first 500 Slipcase pledges. Our sincere apologies for causing any disappointment for (hopefully) no reason. 😊

While all 1000 slipcases will include the numbered red-foil bookplate already shown shrink-wrapped in with each copy, the first 500 pledge packages will include a separate/second 4x4" bookplate added  (loose) to each. Easy fix!

So this beauty has been ordered and should be here around the same time as the coin:

Note: this is just a photoshopped mockup simulating the expected result, but you get the idea. Frankly, this is probably cooler than what we would have originally included, so time and the pressure of being backed into a corner worked out for the better! 😜

Every day is a learning opportunity... Thanks, everyone!

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