Cards are being charged, so if you've gotten a message that your card didn't go through, you should get on that asap before you're dropped!
Surveys will likely be going out in the next two weeks. I haven't run a project through BackerKit before, so I'm still working out a few bugs.
Communication Channels
BackerKit: I will target sending an update every three weeks or so, providing the high level overview with the latest progress, important dates, and what to expect next
Discord: This is where I drop the day-to-day details, post concept art ready for review, and look for feedback on mechanics and lore. I will be adding content to the site as it is finished, so you can use it as soon as possible and not have to wait for the final book. I'll also be building a dashboard, likely on the roadmap page, to give you the quick snapshot of the project.
Weekly Email: I share something each week with the happenings at Knight Vision Creative. Last week was looking for feedback on a potential Baldur's Gate 3 mod. I also regularly send out free PDFs, artwork updates, and other freebies!
YouTube: I have started outputting content the community has requested, such as a guide for starting a D&D publishing business. Let me know what you'd like to see, and I'll keep cranking out videos catered to your requests! I've had a lot of outdoors stuff to prep, so that's on there too!
Project Updates
The long tent poll for this project is going to be artwork, so I've been working to keep that pipeline flowing with the army of artists.
We've had some sweet artwork concept pieces coming through since the campaign ended. Here's a quick rundown:
Awakened Mind Body Modifications
Divination Sentinels Vaults of the Elders
Looking forward to continue bringing this masterpiece to life with you all! Great things ahead!
Talk soon and let me know if you have any questions!