Kira Night
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Failed Payment Reminder + Week End Update!

Hello everyone! 👁️

A quick little status update! 

🌑 Failed Pledges 

Payments for pledges have begun processing, and there are currently 36 failed payments! You will receive an email from Backerkit letting you know if your pledge was successful or if it failed, so please double check your email. You can update your payment in your account dashboard, and Backerkit will attempt to charge you again. Here's a helpful article on updating your payment if you still need help!

As far as I know, you have until the 27th of February to update your payment method so your pledge is successful! Pledges that are still unsuccessfully collected after that point will be cancelled.

🌒 Archive Update: One Week(ish) Later

Vector Design Files:
This has been slow going, but I'm halfway through turning every pin into a vector and choosing Pantone colors. This step also includes cleaning up any wiggly bits or lumpy areas of my mockups. I've also decided to send these vectors to my sticker manufacturer instead of my original raster mockups—so I apologise for the delay on sticker samples! I was too eager in announcing these samples, but I haven't forgotten them! I also plan to vectorize the patch design to ensure accuracy and smooth shapes.

"Portrait of a Curator" Design Update:
This pin is updated and finalized! I love the changes, though they're nothing major. My intent was to make this pin more intricate and interesting, and reflect some changes the character went through without altering the foundation of the design. While he usually has an eye on his left side, the eye just didn't look as good on that side! I also didn't change of the shape of the eye to keep him consistent with "Family Portrait."

The new version is the vector, you may notice color differences.

"Cervinae Hexapoda" Pin Design:
This pin design is quite close to done! It needs some cleanup, however. I like the colors so far, but may make further adjustments to them. I also want to check with my manufacturer first that there are no issues with the cut outs and that they offer the effects I'm thinking of. Nothing too fancy, but I'm considering glitter (on the body or the bones? I'm not sure yet) and screen printed stars on top! ✨

Work In progress! Lots of wiggly bits still.
I will be creating a mockup of a few different effects: holographic, glitter, and translucent colored acrylic. I posted a poll asking which effects acrylic charm folks prefer, but honestly, it's probably hard to vote on something without a mockup of how they may look, so I'll return to this question before ordering them.

Pre-order Store:
I've begun setting up the pre-order store. I'm in the beginning stages of importing all items, and I need Backerkit to fix something on the backend, but I hope to have that buttoned up in the next couple of weeks. As a reminder, this is how late backers can get in on the project, but is not intended for current backers, as you will be charged twice for shipping! When surveys go out, you will have to option to grab more add-ons, if you are so inclined. :)

And now, back to vectoring... I will be in touch next week with another update! 
user avatar image for Kira Night





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