Kira Night
about 1 month ago

Project Update: A Final Hour Thank You! ✨

Posting this a touch early, as there's a little over 1 HOUR LEFT!!

From the bottom of my heart: a huge THANK YOU to all of you for bringing Moon Hollow Archive to life! 🎊🍾
I never dreamed this campaign would see so much success. I was optimistic it would be funded, but honestly, I was mentally prepared to have an initial stretch goal or two unfunded πŸ˜… As this is my first Pintopia, I didn't know what to expect! I'm so excited to get everything made, and it means so much that these concepts and pin designs resonate with so many people.

All the pins!!
I'd love to explore Moon Hollow Archive more in the futureβ€”I think there are so many spooky curios and haunted objects waiting within the void for their chance to become real πŸ‘οΈ I also have some ideas brewing for entirely different (but still entirely spooky) pin themes. But for now, I'm so excited to get all these pins and fun add-ons made.

Pre-order Store ⭐
After campaign end, there will indeed be a pre-order store! So anyone that missed out on the campaign will have the chance to grab these pins. With everything else going on, I just haven't had time to set it all up just yet. I'll let you folks know when that's ready.

Quick Survey Note πŸ“œ

As for the survey, I'm going to wait a bit longer than I initially estimated. I'd like to have artwork completely finalized and ideally, samples made of everything first. I'd love for backers to see what each physical item looks like when deciding on the designs they want, and I want to be certain every object is turning out well!

Artwork Update πŸ¦‡
As I mentioned in the last update, this pin, "Portrait of a Curator" will soon receive an update to match how the character changed over the campaign. I want to give his shoulders a more sleek look, similar to the clothing shapes in the "Family Portrait" pin, plus give his head a little more structure and likely some more shadow tendrils . But that's about it! More of an enhancement and not a redesign.
This is the design in question!

I will have more news and status updates very soon. 

Until then πŸ‘οΈ Thank you!! πŸŽ‰
user avatar image for Kira Night





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