Jeszika Le Vye
about 1 month ago

Project Update: ✨ New WIP: Embers Revealed ✨

I'm happy to be here with another update - a work-in-progress reveal!

The comments were overwhelmingly and unanimously in favor of me switching to sharing wips of each piece rather than pushing to get each one finished and polished before moving on to the next. So I have taken all the feedback to heart and am working on getting each design to about the 60% mark to share with you guys sooner rather than later.

This approach pains me a little lol because I am always so nervous my wips won't be pretty enough to share, but it has been so encouraging to see how well received my last one was - so I will be brave lol 😅 I have spent the last two days hard at work on getting the next work-in-progress ready to share - Embers:

This sorceress looks calm and still, but around her the smoke curls and heat shimmers like a mirage. What sparks are you concealing within? What passions are swimming deep within your glowing veins, as yet unseen? Like a delicate gossamer wyrm that glows in the deep dark currents with its own light - what life dances within you? What molten dream gleams beneath the veil of smoke and mist, beneath your still exterior?

I hope it's fun to see behind the scenes as these evolve and that you love the newest design! 🖤

We've also hit our $20k stretch goal and Abyss has been unlocked! This sorceress will manifest with flickering lightning bugs as her familiars :) I can't wait to have the work in progress of her ready to share! 

✨ I've also added a new pledge tier for 7 pins - now that we have unlocked 7 designs! So for everyone who wants to get all the designs (or just a mix of 7 lol) it's added to the options for you :)

✨And since we hit our last stretch goal - I've added a new stretch goal at 25k! It seems, from the comments on the last update that a lot of people didn't realize there was a 2nd poll, so I wanted to make sure to add the newest poll to this update so hopefully less will miss it :) There are two sorceresses from the previous poll to choose from - Exhale and Advent - so be sure to take a second and vote on your favorite! :) 

When we reach $20,000 - we will unlock a new pin design from my sorceress series - to be determined by new poll :)
Goal: $20,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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