Jeszika Le Vye
22 days ago

Project Update: βœ¨πŸŒ™ What's Next? πŸŒ™βœ¨

Goodness, thank you everyone πŸ–€ I wanted to start by just saying how grateful and excited I am by how much you all helped bring this project to life. We not only hit our final stretch goal and unlocked the final design but went even far past that for a great finish to the campaign.

After many a sleepless night, it was amazing to see how the campaign ended yesterday - even if I crashed shortly after from exhaustion lol πŸ˜… but it was all worth it! And today I am fresh-eyed and ready to move to the next steps of the project!
So what comes next?

To begin with, I am working on getting the two designs we unlocked last - Exhale & Advent - ready as works in progress to share with you guys asap. That way curious minds will have an idea of what they will look like as soon as possible :)

Then once I have wips of those two shared, I will go back and begin polishing and finishing each design to be as perfect as possible.

I have another artist I work with who takes all my designs and turns them into vectors for me - as she is far better at vectors than I ever will be and she does a great job at getting all the nuances of my drawings just right for the manufacturing process. So I will be sending each design to her as I finish them - so the process should be quick and efficient as we both work through all 10 designs. This means I will have some pretty pictures and updates to share in the next few weeks as I finish all these designs and get them sent off to the manufacturer.

The surveys will likely not be sent out until we have 90% of the work done. I'd like to have the samples of the pins in hand and hopefully pretty pictures of everything for you guys to see the final result - before making your selections on the survey. (This also helps avoid any trouble with shipping addresses changing if I send the surveys out close to the ship date.) So I will keep you guys appraised of our progress as we go, but I anticipate this should only take a few months and be much more simple and streamlined than my last project is.

Again, thank you so much, everyone, from the bottom of my heart. Seeing so much enthusiasm for this project and seeing so many people connect with these sorceresses, who are near and dear to my heart, gives me so much encouragement and hope that I am on the right track as an artist and creating things that are meaningful to others. πŸ–€ I couldn't do any of this without you guys. I can't wait to send you all the beautiful, shiny treasures!! 

With love,

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