Another quick update :) I have the work-in-progress ready for Advent! I'm really having fun with how light and luminous Advent feels - and I hope you guys love her design 🖤
Jeszika Le Vye
20 days ago
✨Exhale Design ✨
Just wanted to send a quick update - I got the work-in-progress ready for Exhale!
I am really happy with how they are all turning out, but this one especially felt just ...
Jeszika Le Vye
22 days ago
✨🌙 What's Next? 🌙✨
Goodness, thank you everyone 🖤 I wanted to start by just saying how grateful and excited I am by how much you all helped bring this project to life. We not only hit our final...
Jeszika Le Vye
24 days ago
✨ We did it! Last stretch goal unlocked!! ✨
✨ Oh my goodness - I'm so happy to say - we unlocked the final stretch goal last night!! Advent is now unlocked! ✨
This means all 9 Sorceresses are now unlocked and availabl...
Jeszika Le Vye
25 days ago
✨ 1 day to go! ✨ New stickers & pledge tiers! ✨
With one day to go, I'm excited to have a few (hopefully) exciting updates!! I feel so grateful for how far we've come, which is already past my greatest hopes for this campa...
Jeszika Le Vye
25 days ago
✨ Surprise Journal Delivery Today! ✨
✨ Unexpected update :) ✨As I was working today, FedEx showed up with stacks of heavy boxes I wasn't expecting - turns out my journals have arrived earlier than expected! :) S...
Another quick update :) I have the work-in-progress ready for Advent! I'm really having fun with how light and luminous Advent feels - and I hope you guys love her design 🖤
✨ Advent ✨ She is the sorceress of the morning sun, walking past the darkness, she gathers the light to her to begin the new day. Like the glorious sunrise unfurling, her peacock familiars spread their wings revealing all the beautiful patterns and colors of the new day. She gathers the glowing feathers of dawn and like the first rays of morning light, she pushes the shadows back. Like a song breaking the silence, she is the advent of the new day and new beginnings. What joyous beginnings are dawning in your life? What new adventures are illuminating your horizons? What dreams are taking wing as you look into the future? That is all of the works-in-progress caught up now - so at least everyone can have a good idea of the direction of each design. I will be working on getting each design finished and polished over the next few weeks, and as I finish each design, I have an amazing vector artist who will be creating the vector of each as well.
To avoid spamming you guys with tons of updates, I will wait until I have a good batch of finished designs to share, rather than post every time I finish one. But hopefully, it will be fun to see them all finished together. I've also added all these late designs to the campaign page so there is an easy way to see them all together as well, instead of having to look through all these updates. I hope that is helpful! 🖤
I also wanted to remind everyone to be sure your pledge went through. There are still a little over 20 pledges that haven't gone through yet - and it usually is just a quick check to retry your card that does the trick.
You should have received an email that indicates whether your payment did or did not go through. And if not, there will be a link in the email that says "please update your payment information". The link will take you to a page to update your info and retry your card.
I know for some people who backed a few campaigns, their banks stop the charge and double-check that you want the pledge to go through, so if you are not sure why your charge didn't go through that might be the culprit. If you have any questions or trouble though, please do not hesitate to reach out. I'm always happy to help as best I can.
Thank you so much everyone for your support 🖤 And I hope you love the newest design to join the collection!
Just wanted to send a quick update - I got the work-in-progress ready for Exhale!
I am really happy with how they are all turning out, but this one especially felt just right as I was working on her. So much so, its given me ideas of how I might want to update her painting - as she is one of the oldest pieces I still haven't discontinued. Some paintings after a few years, I find myself ok with letting them fade back, but this one always felt like it needed to stay in the series despite my painting skills having grown so much in the almost 10 years since I painted her. The spirit of her just stayed so strong with me. And so, seeing her take new life in this new form has been very exciting and (someday when I'm caught up on everything) I'd love to take some of what I learned designing this piece back into the original painting.
Of course, she is not finished, finished yet. I still need to do a bunch of the detail work, esp in the eels and her hair - but I figured I would share the "75% there" stage with you guys - as I have been doing so far :) I hope you guys love how she is turning out!
✨ Exhale ✨ This sorceress is a meditation on our ability to summon into reality creations that manifest the truths we know in our bones. Her misty eels were once only abstract ideals and ideas, and with the breath of her own lifeforce, she manifests them into existence. This sorceress lives at the edge, between the real & unreal, and weaves truth into the fabric of reality around her. Though others may fear the realms of abstraction and may be blind to what they can't touch and feel, she fears not. Her familiars are grand and ephemeral guardians of our existential responsibility to create reality as we know it should be. What truths do you summon into the world from deep within your moral bones? What ideas do you guard fiercely?
I am all set up to start working on Advent as well, so hopefully sometime in the coming week, I will have her work-in progress design ready to share as well :)
Goodness, thank you everyone 🖤 I wanted to start by just saying how grateful and excited I am by how much you all helped bring this project to life. We not only hit our final stretch goal and unlocked the final design but went even far past that for a great finish to the campaign.
After many a sleepless night, it was amazing to see how the campaign ended yesterday - even if I crashed shortly after from exhaustion lol 😅 but it was all worth it! And today I am fresh-eyed and ready to move to the next steps of the project!
So what comes next?
To begin with, I am working on getting the two designs we unlocked last - Exhale & Advent - ready as works in progress to share with you guys asap. That way curious minds will have an idea of what they will look like as soon as possible :)
Then once I have wips of those two shared, I will go back and begin polishing and finishing each design to be as perfect as possible.
I have another artist I work with who takes all my designs and turns them into vectors for me - as she is far better at vectors than I ever will be and she does a great job at getting all the nuances of my drawings just right for the manufacturing process. So I will be sending each design to her as I finish them - so the process should be quick and efficient as we both work through all 10 designs. This means I will have some pretty pictures and updates to share in the next few weeks as I finish all these designs and get them sent off to the manufacturer. The surveys will likely not be sent out until we have 90% of the work done. I'd like to have the samples of the pins in hand and hopefully pretty pictures of everything for you guys to see the final result - before making your selections on the survey. (This also helps avoid any trouble with shipping addresses changing if I send the surveys out close to the ship date.) So I will keep you guys appraised of our progress as we go, but I anticipate this should only take a few months and be much more simple and streamlined than my last project is.
Again, thank you so much, everyone, from the bottom of my heart. Seeing so much enthusiasm for this project and seeing so many people connect with these sorceresses, who are near and dear to my heart, gives me so much encouragement and hope that I am on the right track as an artist and creating things that are meaningful to others. 🖤 I couldn't do any of this without you guys. I can't wait to send you all the beautiful, shiny treasures!!