7 days ago

Project Update: That Time I Reached My Funding Goal on Backerkit!

Hey, hey, Bloodlings, new and old! 

How are you today?

I hope the answer is that you're happy, healthy, and wealthy! 

As for me, I had some health stuff come up and started taking a new medication that leaves me drowsy, so I didn't get a chance to update y'all on what's been happening immediately.

 Or, at least, I hadn't gotten a chance to update here on Backerkit. I was able to do a quick little post on Instagram.

Anyways, I came here today bringing GREAT news: We're funded at $713! Woo-hoo! That means I get to update my Backerkit Banner with this image:

But just because we funded doesn't mean the campaign is over! 

We still have stretch goals and achievements to unlock. Speaking of which, I guess it's time I announced A) What we've unlocked so far AND B) what we have to look forward too! 

So, let's get into it. Here's what we've unlocked:

An unedited copy of the first chapter of my new publication (title TBD) because we reached our funding goal of $700. This reward goes to ALL Backers!

If you haven't guessed yet, the world of Blood Ties and The Covenant of Blood is vast, and it will continue to grow as I write each book. By backing my projects, y'all get a first glimpse into the world and you get to help shape it. Which is why there's a "Name a Character" tier in this campaign. 

Announcement of the next stretch goal! 

I told y'all that if we hit our funding goal, I'd announce the next stretch goal early, and I'm ready to keep my promise. If you remember, there was a riddle associated with it. The riddle was: 

This shape which could be considered a square will point you to your last detail in the codex of which you love, including the one I described above.

In retrospect, I should've made y'all work for this announcement by giving you a chance to guess the answer in a poll, but since I didn't, you'll be let off the hook. 

So, the first stretch goal is: 

Exclusive Bookmarks for everyone who backs a physical tier!

This goal will officially be unlocked once we hit $1000, so do your best! We're about $300 away! 

Here's what you have to look forward to:

I'll be posting new community achievements and polls. Participation in these will allow Backers to vote on things like the design (quote or art), size (small or medium), and type (paper or metal) of bookmark. 

So, are you ready to help me reach $1000? If so, be sure to share this campaign on Facebook. If we hit 100 shares, you'll unlock a FREE personalized (digital) letter from a character from Blood Ties!

Or, if we hit 50 pledges in total, everyone who backed a physical tier will unlock a FREE personalized (physical) letter from a character from Blood Ties sent via mail. 

And, of course, there are five other stretch goals waiting to be unlocked. 

Thanks again, and here's hoping to hitting the rest of our goals before the campaign is over!


J.S. Living

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
4 votes • Final results
Everyone who backed a PHYSICAL tier will receive the reward.
Goal: $705.95 / $1,000
We need $294.05 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach this goal, everyone will receive a (digital) personalized letter from one of the Blood Ties characters!
Goal: 0 / 100
We need 100 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach this goal, everyone who backed a physical tier will receive a personalized letter in the mail from one of the characters from Blood Ties!
Goal: 31 / 50 backers
We need 19 more to reach this goal.




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