Pledge Levels
Back this project by selecting a pledge level
Dhampir Vamp: Signed Hardcover (Tier 5)
5 Backers
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸This tier is perfect for those who ONLY want a SIGNED physical copy of Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts.
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 3 items
×1Blood Ties eBook
×1Blood Ties Hardcover (Signed)
Sluagh: Tiers 3 and 5 plus The Covenant of Blood (Tier 6)
3 Backers
Tiers 3 and 5 PLUS
🩸physical character prints
🩸a signed copy of The Covenant of Blood (CoB) Hardcover and eBook. The CoB eBook will include a digital signature as well.
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 9 items
×1Covenant of Blood eBook
×1Blood Ties eBook
×1Covenant of Blood Hardback (Signed)
×24x6 Digital Character Prints
Super Human: Digital Rewards (Tier 3)
4 Backers
Tier 1 Plus:
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸Two (2) 4x6 Digital Art Prints
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 4 items
×1Blood Ties eBook
×24x6 Digital Character Prints
Human: The Support Tier (Tier 1)
0 Backers
🩸Support this project and have your name published on the Crowdfunding Acknowledgement page in Blood Ties ONLY
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 1 item
Powered Human: Build Your Own Tier (Tier 2)
9 Backers
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸Build your own tier with any (or all) of the Add-Ons.
🩸Your name published on the Crowdfunding Acknowledgement page in Blood Ties AND in my next publication
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 2 items
×1Blood Ties eBook
Made Vamp: Unsigned Hardcover (Tier 4)
1 Backer
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸This tier is perfect for those who ONLY want the physical copy of Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts.
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 3 items
×1Blood Ties eBook
×1Blood Ties Hardcover (Unsigned)
J.S. Living Special 1: Meet the Author!
10 remaining
🩸Meet J.S. Living and have a one-hour conversation with her!
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸The Covenant of Blood eBook
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 4 items
×1Covenant of Blood eBook
×1Blood Ties eBook
×1One Hour Meeting with J.S. Living
J.S. Living Special 2: Get Your Manuscript Critiqued!
5 remaining
🩸I will critique up to 10k words of your manuscript.
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸Covenant of Blood eBook
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 4 items
×1Critique up to 10k Words
×1Covenant of Blood eBook
×1Blood Ties eBook
J.S. Living Special 3: Name a Character!
3 remaining
🩸Name a character in my next publication!
🩸FREE Blood Ties eBook
🩸Covenant of Blood eBook
🩸Covenant of Blood Hardcover (Signed)
🩸Blood Ties Hardcover (Signed)
🩸4x6 Character Prints (Physical)
🩸Digital ARC of BoB (Title and Pub Date Subject to Change)
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping wil l be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.**
Includes 8 items
×1Covenant of Blood eBook
×1Blood Ties eBook
×1Covenant of Blood Hardback (Signed)
×1Character Named After You
J.S. Living Special 4: All the Things--A $615 Value!
1 remaining
🩸One of each add-on
🩸Three additional bookplates (for the unsigned books)
🩸 One Hour Meeting with J.S. Living
**For all PHYSICAL tiers, shipping will be collected after the campaign.**
**If you live outside the United States, please contact me for shipping rates.*
Includes 19 items
×1Digital Signature
×1Covenant of Blood eBook
×1Covenant of Blood Paperback (Unsigned)
×1Covenant of Blood Paperback (Signed)