Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts

Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts

She's trapped in a mind prison. He just wants love and happiness. His father is a maniac. Urban Fantasy X Historical Fiction.
$743 🎉
of $700
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Booktopia 2024
#Young Adult

This project is part of Booktopia 2024, which runs from September 5th - September 26th 2024. Learn more →


It's ya girl The J.S. Living coming to you from BACKERKIT!!!

Are y'all excited about Booktopia and Blood Ties? Great, because I am too!

So, let's start by telling you what Blood Ties is and who it's written for.


Blood Ties is a short story collection that makes you think.

Have you ever finished a book and wondered why the characters made certain decisions? Or, have you read a book and been disappointed that the ONE THING you REALLY wanted to know was left out of it? Well, I have. 

And, I don't like that feeling.

Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts

Which is why I wrote Blood Ties. I wanted to help immerse readers into stories that blend urban fantasy with historical fiction, while also introducing characters that are near and dear to me, and will become special to you as well.

If you're still with me, then you must be interested in:



Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts is exactly what it says in the title—a collection of short stories based on The Covenant of Blood. All three stories are urban fantasy, with the first two crossing into the realm of historical fiction, and the third taking place in more modern times (specifically, 2015). It can be best classified as New Adult, although it is appropriate for those at least sixteen years old.

Print Format: 

This  Limited Edition Print version of Blood Ties will be a  Hard Cover with SIX PREMIUM COLOR PAGES featuring NEW ARTWORK from DinixLuna and will be printed on 70lb White Paper. It comes with a Jacketed Case Laminate on Matte Finish and will be around 62 pages.*

Ebook Format: 

The Ebook version of Blood Ties will be available in Epub, Mobi, and PDF and will be delivered via BookFunnel. In other words, you'll be able to READ the book on ANY DEVICE.  

Cover Design and Art:

The AMAZING cover design and art were done by Giulia Calligola of Lunar Morrigan Arts and Dini X Luna respectively. 

If all this sounds good, then read about the:


There are plenty of rewards for backing this project, and I can't wait to tell you about them all. And the best part is that they're ALL exclusive to this campaign! 

Check it out:

EVERY BACKER  WHO PLEDGES $2 OR MORE will have their name printed on the Crowdfunding Support page in this book. Yes, you read that right! Be immortalized in Blood Ties as one of the many people who helped me make this a reality.

Also, EVERY TIER (except the $2 Support Tier) has a FREE copy of the Blood Ties eBook


That said, there are also Cross-Collab Rewards and a total of ten Reward Tiers. Please remember that the reward tiers category is a general overview and that some items are limited based on the tier they're located on. 

So, let's talk:

Booktopia is a cross-collab campaign. And I'm participating in TWO types of cross-collabs. 

Cross-Collab Campaign 1: Pins!

Anna McCluskey and I are giving away a FREE cocktail/vamp teeth pin for everyone who backs BOTH of our campaigns. Just click the link under "Cross Collab Project" on the right hand of the screen after you've pledged to my campaign.

Cross-Collab Campaign 2: Oracle Cards!

Georgina Stancer, JC Spark, and I are participating in the Booktopia Oracle Deck & Box Giveaway. If you back TWO projects, you'll receive SIX Oracle Cards; back all THREE of our projects and you'll receive NINE Oracle Cards; back ALL the participating Booktopia projects, and receive ALL the cards!

Participating projects: The Warm Machine | Lesbians in Space | Dire Contact | The Fractured Balance | Nuclear Strudel | Mermaid Song | Gamer | The Bright Spot | Like Warm Plastic | Weave of a Thousand Lies | The Eyes of Mandoral | Sombulus | Violet's Pretty Purple Playground | Shuttered Stanzas | First Life Duet | Blood Ties | Ruthless Wolves | Silver Series of Grown Up Wisdom | My Body Beeps | Reimagined: The Relic Saga

And here is the list of:


Human: The Support Tier (Tier 1 for $5): Your name in Blood Ties and in my next publication (currently slated for February 2025, but subject to change)

Powered Human: Build Your Own Tier (Tier 2 Starting at $5): Build your own tier using the Add-Ons. This tier automatically includes rewards from the Support Tier.

Super Human: Digital Rewards (Tier 3 for $25): Rewards from the Support Tier. You'll also receive digital character art prints and the Blood Ties eBook.

Made Vamp: Unsigned Hardcover (Tier 4 for $30):  An unsigned copy of the Blood Ties Hardcover.

Case Laminate for Blood Ties.

Dhampir Vamp: Signed Hardcover (Tier 5 for $35): A signed copy of the Blood Ties Hardcover.

Dust Jacket for Blood Ties.

Sluagh: Tiers 3 and 5 PLUS CoB (Tier 6 for $100): Tiers 3 and 5 plus a signed copy of The Covenant of Blood Hardcover and The Covenant of Blood eBook. The CoB eBook will include a digital signature as well.

The Covenant of Blood Case Laminate

Blood Ties Case Laminate


J.S. Living Special 1: Meet the Author! (Tier 7 for $150): Meet ME, J.S. Living, author of Blood Ties and The Covenant of Blood. This LIMITED TIER is only available to ten individuals who can speak with J.S. Living in a one-on-one Zoom meeting. The slots are set for 10 October through November 2024. Use this meeting to discuss anything from writing and publishing processes to your favorite television shows and movies!
~More details under "Pledge Levels."

J.S. Living Special 2: Get Your Manuscript Critiqued (Tier 8 for $200): Have ME, J.S. Living, author of Blood Ties and The Covenant of Blood critique up to 10k words of your manuscript! This LIMITED TIER is only available to five individuals.  Submit your English manuscript as a Word Document via a Google Drive link and J.S. Living will send it back with copy, line, and developmental edits. This $600 value is LIMITED to this Backerkit project, so take advantage today! Slots will be available between 13 October and 10 November.
~More details under "Pledge Levels."

J.S. Living Special 3: Name a Character! (Tier 9 for $300): The next J.S. Living book comes out around February 2025 (Exact Date TBD) and YOU get the chance to name a character after whoever, or whatever, you want! This LIMITED TIER is only available to three individuals who will receive an Advanced Readers Copy of the eBook once it comes out. While the author gets to decide whether the character is a person or an animal, YOU get to decide what their name is AND how to spell it! Submit the name of your choice after your pledge is cleared and within 48 hours of the end of the campaign. Ever wanted to see your name or the name of a loved one in a book? Now's your chance!


If you pledge early to a physical tier, you'll also get an Early Bird Gift!

Get a beautiful charm with a quote from The Covenant of Blood if you back a physical tier in the first 24 hours of the campaign. Click "Pledge" to claim yours now!

AND, if you pledge to the Sluagh or one of the J.S. Living Special Tiers early, you'll receive two!

But that's not all. This campaign also has: 


In the spirit of excitement and fun, the first stretch goal will be announced once we hit our funding goal of $700!

I hope you're as excited to unlock the first stretch goal as I am! In the meantime, I know waiting can be nervous-making, so here's a riddle to help tide you over. Guess what the first stretch goal is based on the following riddle:

This shape which could be considered a square will point you to your last detail in the codex of which you love, including the one I described above.


Our first stretch goal is an Exclusive Bookmark for everyone who backed a physical tier! 

This bookmark will be available once we hit a funding goal of $1000. 

And, the best part is that YOU get to help make the bookmark by choosing its specs. Head on over to the community tab to vote on whether everyone will get a paper bookmark or a metal bookmark once we hit our goal!

After that, check out what your money is going to:


Sometimes the pledges available on Backerkit seem like they're missing something, which is why Bonus Add-Ons exist in the first place. 

If you want to jump into the world of the Blood Series and read an urban fantasy filled with love, family, and steamy slow-burn romance, OR if you're just looking for a gift for a friend, make sure you check out these Bonus Add-Ons:

The Covenant of Blood eBook. The Covenant of Blood Paperback (Signed or Unsigned). The Covenant of Blood Hardcover (SIgned or Unsigned).

Merch Bundle that includes: The Covenant of Blood Sweatshirt (Comes in seven colors!). A Bloiod Ties Travel Mug. AN Accessory Pouch. A Luggage Tag with your choice of Liz, Dmitri, or Angelo on the front.

I chose these add-ons because they work with themes of traveling and learning new things in Blood Ties and The Covenant of Blood

If these add-ons interest you, get ready to hear about:


The three stories in this collection are about relationships and how they affect our lives. Specifically, relationships between parents and children, significant others, and individuals who are practically siblings. It's about how those relationships can help or hinder us, how they can be nurturing or destructive, and how they can change over time. 

But, to best explain this, you'll have to:


The short stories in
Blood Ties follow Liz, Dmitri, and Angelo. If you're curious about what you're going to get when you pledge, read the descriptions and excerpts below!

"A Tuesday Training in 1593" is about Liz, a woman stuck in someone else’s mind who wants to escape, but can’t because Lizzy (the host in charge of their shared body) doesn’t know she exists. During a training on how to feed as a vampire, Liz and Lizzy’s worlds collide. Can Liz break the communication barrier? And what will happen if she does? Read Blood Ties: A Thought for Lizzy and A Tuesday Training in 1593 to find out.

Excerpt from "A Thought for Lizzy"

There's something to be said about being cursed. Because that's what this is: a curse. Witches gave my family the ability to turn into creatures of destruction.

But, for those of us with a more—how can I put it, ah, yes—volatile natures, we were given the extra special ability to manifest an additional consciousness. It's funny, Lizzy, I am stuck in your subconscious mind while you get to live a full life. I only come out when your mind is too weak to handle what life has thrown at us. I should be the one out there.

Liz is a force to be reckoned with, and plays a dual role in  Blood Ties: she is Lizzy's protector. She is fierce and powerful, and she stands up for herself and what she wants. She is bossy, intelligent, and even a bit manipulative at points. But, at the same time, she isn't given much agency in terms of what she can and can't do. Liz just wants to be free to make her own decisions.

Blood Ties explores WHY Liz wants to break free. She's an entire person stuck in the mind of someone else and can't do things for herself. All of her senses are secondary to Lizzy's, sort of like an echo. Liz is a truly amazing person all around, but she's also jaded due to her experiences, and I think this makes for a unique character. But, since you're the reader, you can tell me. 

"A Death Day in 1600" is about Dmitri, a twenty-eight-year-old former slave who wants to marry Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bathory-Tepes (also known as Vlad Dracula's daughter) at her birthday party. When Dmitri asks Vlad Dracula for Lizzy's hand in marriage, he says no. This angers Lizzy and she almost kills everyone at the party with her fae abilities. Will Dmitri survive to complete his proposal, or will he perish with everyone else? Read Blood Ties: A Poem to My Love and  A Death Day in 1600 to find out.

An Excerpt from "A Poem to My Love"

 A woman of death/A queen of the world, the woman I love/She is the dearest of dears/The sweetest of sweet/
The bloodiest of blood/She outshines the moon and the stars/Outruns the fastest creatures/Will outlast me and this dreadful world/I, however, am but a man/Born into poverty, raised to greatness/ Destroyed by those closest to me/Brought up in fire and brimstone/and turned into ashI come from nothing/Will be nothing/Am nothing

Dmitri is a well-rounded male character who had to build himself up from a lowly servant who hailed from North Africa to one of the most powerful humans in existence. His interactions with slave traders, merchants, Lizzy, and Vlad Dracul allowed him to learn many languages as well as societal norms for Europeans. He is the kind of character who wears his heart on his sleeve initially, but there are times when he has to let events run their course to get the outcome he wants, even if it's a detriment to himself. He's also headstrong. 

In Blood Ties we see that Dmitri is the type of person who will stand up for what he believes in; but, at the same time, he knows when he needs to sit back and bide his time. Dmitri knew he wouldn't be able to win a fight against the "great" Vlad Dracul,  that going against the person who gave him a chance to gain wealth and influence would be suicidal, and that cutting a deal that favored himself was the best chance he had at gaining his true objective. He is a consistent person in that he has a one-track mind. Everything he does is to reach the one goal that he's laser-focused on, and that makes him flawed. 

But, who doesn't stan a flawed character? 

"Placating a Parent in 2015" is about Angelo, an immortal who wants to die, but can't because his maniacal father, Anton (also known as Ferenc Ndasdy) injected him with Lizzy's blood when he was an infant. When Anton proposes that Angelo marry and impregnate Lizzy, Angelo wants to decline. But Anton always gets what he wants, even if he has to threaten to destroy something precious. Will Angelo cave into his father's whims? Find out by reading Blood Ties: Remembering My Past  and Placating a Parent in 2015.

An Excerpt from "Remembering My Past"

I was barely even a month in the womb when he injected my mother with a so-called "medicine" that would stop her aches and pains—it didn't. I was one when he tried killing me the first time—which failed. And, when I was five, we went to the lake. I thought it was going to be a fun day in the water—it wasn't. After all, he tried to drown me. I remember being pushed under the water. I thought we were playing a game. But then, Father's cold hands held me under. I tapped his hand to tell him to let me up, but he didn't. I thrashed and kicked, but it was to no avail. He wasn't going to let me up. The water rushed into my lungs. I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air,  but I was unable to get any. After a while, I passed out.

Angelo's head is a bit of a dark place due to the abuse and trauma he suffered at the hands of his father when he was a child. He is a complex character because, although his head tends to be filled with dark memories, he also has some really good ones— specifically of his mother. Unfortunately, his mother is only mentioned in passing in this particular story, and only enough for you to understand the background Angelo is coming from. What you DO see in this story though is a man falling in love with a woman for the first time without even knowing it, which is beautiful considering the person who raised him was a complete monster. 

Angelo's complex background allows him to be both likable and, to a certain extent, relatable. (I mean, who hasn't had to fake a smile to get through a day or pretend like everything was okay when it wasn't? On the flip side of that, I'm sure many people have also had to use a smile to hide their true nature.) The cool thing about Angelo is that you never really know which side you're going to get. 

In Blood Ties Angelo is a wild card. You never know what it is he's going to say or do, and he's usually the type of person to pull a full 180 on you after you think you've figured him out. 

Before we get to the fun part, I would like to note the sensitive themes and warnings that readers should be aware of. 

Blood Ties includes themes and discussions that may trigger individuals including, but not limited to: racism and slavery; death; child abuse; attempted murder of a child; and suicide.

So, now that you know more about my characters and their stories, and have been given the trigger themes and warnings, let's talk about the FUN stuff!

The funds raised for this project will help me continue creating stories in The Blood Series. One day, I'd like to be a full-time author who can create and tell stories every day from the comfort of any place in the world. And, with your help Bloodlings, I can get there. 

That said, if you're curious about CoB and merch, I also have:


📚 Welcome to Booktopia — a celebration of creativity and collaboration from a vibrant collective of writers, authors and artists collectively running crowdfunding projects from September 5th - September 26th.

🔥 Limited Cross-Collaboration Freebies — All 50+ Booktopia creators have paired up with a fellow participant to create two unique and limited freebies together. If BOTH projects successfully fund, backers who support BOTH will get the TWO [2] cross-collab freebies listed on their campaign page, one will ship from each creator. The more pairs of Booktopia creators you support, the more freebies you will earn ✨

🧧 1 FREE Limited Edition Booktopia 2024 reward if you back FIVE [5] or more projects. Exclusive reward for Booktopia - Black Metal Bookmark

My cross-collab partner is Anna McCluskey, author of The Bloody Unicorn and Other Delightfully Dark Drinks.

You can view her campaign here:


Remember: Support BOTH of our campaigns and you'll receive this:

So, you're wondering: 


Well, my little Bloodlings, Backerkit is an opportunity to connect with you all on a different level!

Who knew it would be so much work though? (That's a

Anyways, while Backerkit isn't a NEW platform, it is a relatively new way for me to offer you guys my services as a professional storyteller, writer, and editor. This platform allows me to connect with my readers (that's you Blooodling!) and offer you items I normally wouldn't be able to on my website.

Significant symbols form the world of The Blood Series

Y'all are up here because you like the super special goodies and exclusive content that only I can bring you. And, you get it BEFORE everyone else! 

The print version of Blood Ties will be EXCLUSIVE to Backerkit until February 2024, when I begin offering it on my website and at conventions. That's almost four months that you'll be able to enjoy your copy BEFORE everyone else. 

Cool, right? 

So, be a part of something special, and pledge today! 

Oh...snap...that wasn't the end of it! I almost forgot to tell you about who you're supporting. Silly, silly me. Okay, here's everything you need to know about:


From novels and novellas to comic books and short stories, I write character-driven urban fiction that will excite you with its fresh lore and slow-burn romances. 

Hey, hey, Bloodlings! 

Once again, it's ya girl J.S. Living, but you can call me by my government name: Jaleesa, because I've got the feeling we'll be REALLY, GOOD friends by the end of this campaign.

To kick off this new-found friendship, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. So, here it goes:

I'm a published author, and I currently reside in Maryland. However, my hometown is in Georgia. That makes me a Georgia Peach, lol. When I'm not at work, I love watching TV shows with supernatural elements—such as Grimm, Lost Girl, and Supernatural—and curling up with my cat while reading books by Patricia Briggs, Lynsay Sands, and J. Elle. I'm also a huge fan of smart retellings of classic stories that spin outdone cliches and overly used tropes into magic. 

I've held a plethora of jobs in my life; but, right now, I'm proud to say I'm a Communications Specialist for the Federal Government. I'd tell you all about my degrees (plural), but that might be a bit much; so, instead, I'll tell you this:

If you want to connect with me over cats (and animals in general), anime, reading, learning, and/or food, you can contact me via social media (@thejsliving on ALL platforms), my website (, via email ([email protected]) OR, do me the honors of sending me a good old-fashioned letter in the mail (P.O. Box 2613 Hyattsville, MD 20784) because I LOVE that kind of thing!

Anyways, if you've been following me the last few years on socials, or if we met in person, you know I released my debut novel The Covenant of Blood (CoB) in November of 2022. I'm so happy to say the book has been doing well, and I can't thank you all enough!

During that time, I also wrote Blood Ties: A Collection of Three Covenant of Blood Shorts (Blood Ties), which my existing readers were able to access via a QR code in the back of the book. During the course of this campaign, or before it's over, Blood Ties will be traded with a different freebie.

If you're unfamiliar with CoB, Blood Ties will be a great way for you to dip your toes into my corner of the urban fantasy world.

For existing fans, it answers questions readers might have about three of the main characters: Liz, Dmitri, and Angelo.

So, whether you're just now hearing about CoB, or have already purchased the first book in the series, you'll want to add Blood Ties to your collection and discover how little decisions can have a ripple effect on the rest of our lives.

That said, I'm super excited about this new project and I hope you'll support me in bringing it from eBook to print.

Also, as you probably know, I'm looking forward to connecting with you all, and I can't wait to get Blood Ties off the presses! While we wait, though, if you LOVE fantasy as much as I do, check out these Backerkit Campaigns as well:

The Bloody Unicorn and Other Delightfully Dark Drinks by Anna McCluskey (This is my Cross-Collab Partner! Support her and you'll get a special cross-collab reward!)

The Throne of Luster by Crossed Paths Press

Mermaid Song by Anthea Sharp

Star Awakened by Therena

Thread of a Spider by D.L. Gardner

Captivity by Sarah Biglow

Legally Undead by New Door Media

I Choose the Bear by Shiloh Walker

If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project