Io Publishing
23 days ago

Project Update: Free Scorpion King Preview + Fiendish Forge Updates!

Hello folks!
First of all, thank you to anyone who backed Fiendish Forge! We still have a long way to go, but we're hoping to get some more stretch goals fulfilled before the end of this campaign!

For now, though, I wanted to show you guys some updates we've been working on for Fiendish Forge - including how Phase Combat is presented, an update to Materials, and an update to Magic Item Stat Blocks to include an exact recipe to make the item.

Scorpion King - Full Resolution

First off - a disclaimer - The Scorpion King will not be in Fiendish Forge- this is a creature we created specifically for our streamed campaign - Fiendish Forge : Paw Patrol, but it also felt like a great way to show off the future ideas and updates I have for Fiendish Forge - in a list of things we will be testing once our Backerkit concludes.

Here are some updates we've made to Material Gathering and Crafting we'd like to test next month:
  • Material Gathering simplified: Anyone can roll on the Gathering Table of any creature. Someone with proficiency with a specific skill can make a check with that skill, and add to the table result (only one check can be added in this way). 
    • If you have 2 players with proficiency in the skill, a this check can be made at Advantage (Help Action)!
  • Material Rarities Removed for simplification. 
  • Crafting is further simplified—when using potential materials, you can add 2x the market value to the crafting progress.
    • If the crafting progress is equal to or greater than the market value of the item you wish to make, the item is crafted.
  • New Recipe Stat: The item is created if you use the exact materials listed in the Recipe.
    • You can mix Potential Materials (add 2x the market value to crafting progress) and Recipe Materials (add 4x the market value to crafting progress) - so that every material has a multitude of uses. We don't want inventory bloat.
  • New Crafting Proficiencies: Proficiency with specific tools will allow players to perform specific crafting professions. For example: Smith's Tools and Tinker's Tools can be used for Smithing, while Alchemist's Supplies and Herbalism Kits can be used for Alchemy.

What do you think of some of these changes? Comment down below, and your feedback will be responded to!

Thank you again for supporting our project. I'm very excited to get this book in your hands!

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