Io Publishing
2 days ago

Project Update: That's a wrap!!

We've JUST wrapped up our crowdfunding for Fiendish Forge - AND we broke our last crowdfunding record! Thank you to everyone who supported! We'll have a Pledge Manager page up an running soon, and will start collecting funding from everyone over the next week.

After all funding has been collected, we'll invite folks over to our Publishing Discord, and begin onboarding people for playtesting - which will begin immediately!

Because we had a Forgemaster back out within the last 2 hours of the campaign, it didn't feel right to not give folks the opportunity to still back this if they wanted to - so we'll have an item open for a limited about of time where you can get the benefits of the Forgemaster (pitching your own creature). We'll limit it to only 1, and have it available for the rest of the month, before locking it down.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. This is a dream job of mine, and because of contributions such as this, it allows me the opportunity to fulfill that dream.

Thank you,




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