Hacktop Studios
6 months ago

Project Update: Proofs and Final Revisions

I recieved the proofs for both the softcover and cards this week.  While in general the majority of things looke fine and would work.  There are some things that need to be tweaked for me to be happy.

For the cards, I mistook the bleed lines on the edge of the cards which made for a slight white border depending on where things were cut.  Also in print some colors were too washed out and needed to be darker and easier to read.  There was also a problem with the custom tuckbox didn't print at all!  Apparently there was an error in the file.  I've fixed all of these mistakes and have already ordered a new proof.

For the book, the default margins that DriveThruRPG provided in their template are too wide in my opinion.  They work fine for the digital PDF but in print they don't work for me.  This puts the text the gutter of the book and also were you thumb would likely be on the edges when flipping through.  I am one of those people who don't like to crease their bindings on their book to read the pages.

Changing margins will mess up the entire format of the book.  Well may be not the entire format but a LOT of it.  However, I don't want it to go to print as is.  So I will be redoing the layout.  This will not delay the PDF release as the digital verison still looks fine.  To be honest, this probably will not delay the print version either as I've gotten my initial proofs back fairly early.  There are a few other things I may change to make the table a bit easier to read as I have alternating colors for the rows of the roll tables but they could be a bit easier to distinguish.

Thanks so much for all of your support!  The backerkit ends this weekend and then the game will start rolling out to all the backers!





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