Hacktop Studios
6 months ago

Project Update: Surveys going out with dowloads

Surveys are being sent out.  Right now, I've only sent a small percentage out as a smoke test but more will be coming soon.  You will want to go through the survey to ensure everything is correct.  I've included a copy of the digital content so you don't have to wait for the DriveThruRPG order to be processed.  The official content will be hosted there and that's also were you will get the Spreads version if you prefer that one.

Physical Cards have been approved

The cards look great this time around so they have been approved and are ready to ship.  I'm still waiting on the physical copies of the books to arrive and will keep you updated on where those are at.  One benefit of having the cards ship from a different place is I can (most likely) have those shipped out before the books are ready.  This will depend on how the DriveThruRPG process works with the data exported from backerkit.  If it's easy to seperate the card orders I will go ahead and run those.
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