Hacktop Studios
5 months ago

Project Update: Ordered Locked

Ok, I've issued a command to lock the orders.  I will be running the credit cards this Sunday.  At that poing I plan to split the SKUs so that the physical books are seperate as the final proof is not complete for them.  The cards and Digital copies will be imported into DriveThruRPG.  Later I will go back and import the physical books once they are ready.

You *should* have access to the digitial books through backerkit as well.  I thought this would go out when surveys were completed but the orders needed to be locked.  Hopefully, now you will get the digital copies.  I suppose there is a chance that backerkit will wait until I run the credit cards, but that's not really clear...

If there are issues you can let me know here, or via support.

Thanks again!





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