Hacktop Studios
4 months ago

Project Update: Bonus Fast Hacking Module!

Sometimes you want to start your campaign in the middle of the action.  In order to do this with Fe-Runners you need to have a network mapped to the destination.  While mapping a network can lead to a lot of interesting side quests, sometimes you just want to get to where you are going.  This module provides a quick Fast Travel version of network mapping.  It also comes with 300 miscellaneous nodes within 3 segment oracles to help quickly determine what your network looks like.  With this new free bonus module you can quickly have a map up and running in a few minutes!

This PDF is avaiable in your DriveThruRPG repo and/or itch.io.  We are still in the backer exclusive window, so if you missed the opportunity to get Fe-Runners on backerkit, it will be available for purchase in November of DriveThruRPG.

Happy Hacking!
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