Hacktop Studios
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Alpha Versions going out, Stretch goals started

The Core rulebook and all the assets cards are laid out in a pre-release version.  They are being reviewed by a few select people now.  The print ready versions are also almost done.  I'm working on cleaning up some issues with the hard cover bleed margins not working out correctly (for some reason) but that should be sorted soon.

Covers, Asset Cards, Tuck boxes and the digital pages and spread versions are done and in final review.

The additional Hacker Companion where I discuss real world hacking techniques and how to apply them to your game is almost finsihed with the content round.  Once I'm happy with the content then I'll format it into a nice digital companion.  This book will likely only be digital.  It should be a good read for anyone who wants to know more about real world hacking or for my real world hacking friends to know how to apply their daily lives to solo RPGs :D

I've started the creation of fe_runners for datasworn which when completed should make it a lot easier to expand to other things like VTTs.  Roll20 and Obsidian are the two that will be focused on once that is done.




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