Grim Oak Press
4 months ago

Project Update: We Hit the $115,000 Stretch Goal! A Choice For You Next!

Hi Everyone,

The Dark Thorn BackerKit has hit $115,000! Better endpapers for all editions and gilding for the S&N, S&L, and Rare editions will be happening!

That said, we are about to hit $130,000 already. How could that be happening so fast given that we are in the lull of the crowdfund's middle week? Well, bestselling author Brandon Sanderson and his Team Dragonsteel backed The Dark Thorn yesterday. When that happened, BackerKit notified all of those who pledge to Brandon's work that Dragonsteel had done it. That's over 100,000 people receiving an email about The Dark Thorn. And some of them were curious enough to venture to us.

So welcome, all you Sanderson fans who found this BackerKit. Happy to have you here! And thanks to Dragonsteel for backing The Dark Thorn! With one simple button push, they literally helped reach these awesome Stretch Goals.

To that end, I do have a question for all of you because I value giving you what you want. The next Stretch Goal is a metal coin shipped with all physical tiers. The Stretch Goal after that one is five more interior illustrations by Don Maitz. It occurs to me that maybe I made an error when designing those Stretch Goals and that people would prefer more interior illustrations than a coin, a coin they can buy as an add-on if they like.

So vote below. Have your voice heard. Keep the stretch goals as is or flip the next two around. And I'll see what I can do about it.

With Magic,
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