Grim Oak Press
14 days ago

Project Update: A Long Overdue Update: The Dark Thorn

Hi Faithful Backers,

It's been a while and for that I apologize. The chaos of my house will end tomorrow when the last paint is brushed and the paper covering our new floor is removed. I will finally get my office desk back and some form of normalcy should return. Should. Because how normal is my life really anyway? Especially since I'm flying to Germany tomorrow for my wife's work for a few days. Ugh. More on that in a bit.

Who would have thought that water damage on June 20th would take THIS long to be taken care? Ahhh, nothing better than fighting with State Farm for weeks on end.

Anyway, that said, I do owe some updates here. And I'm actually excited to do so!

  • I'll be locking orders next week and charging cards for any items ordered after the Backerkit ended as well as shipping. I believe this is how it works. More news next week on this.

  • The Dark Thorn is copyedited. I have those edits in my email Inbox.
  • When I fly tomorrow to Germany, I'll have 12 hours there and back to work on the edits.
  • I plan on having the edits done no later than Halloween.
  • Then I will request five beta readers to catch anything I missed. More on that in early November.

  • Magali Villeneuve has turned in the final cover painting featuring a different design for Richard's sword, Arondight. And I love it.
  • Don Maitz has finished 12 of the 15 interior illustrations. He is taking a break to prepare for an art gallery exhibition he is doing next month, but he plans on being done with all art by the end of November.

  • Files for all merch items are completed. We are waiting to get closer to the actual arrival of books before we place our orders for these items. They are produced much quicker than books.

  • We hope to have all files ready for printing and binding in December. Then we will upload the files and get the printing going. We use two different companies for book production, which means two different queues that we have to go through. Usually takes four or five months total. If we can speed things up, we certainly will do so. 

I will continue writing the short story while on my trip to Germany and back, so be on the lookout for more Merle and Snedeker!

Below are two of my favorite Don Maitz interiors as well as his amazingly beautiful painting. So gorgeous!

If you have questions, just ask. I'm always around!

With Magic,





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