Shawn Speakman
8 months ago

Project Update: Celebrating a Successful BackerKit! And What Comes Next?

Hi Everyone,

THANK YOU for helping make The Author Preferred Edition of The Dark Thorn be a success! I'm thrilled with the results. It was all you and I am sincerely grateful.

These last few days, I've been working on the BackerKit Survey pledge manager details as well as being sick while on vacation. Talk about a triumvirate. And let's not forget about that water leak that is no longer happening but causing all sorts of consternation with the insurance company. Bah! Adulting sucks. My sons have no idea how good they have it.

I hear what you are thinking. "Shawn, stop whining. It helps no one." And you're right, of course.

What are the next steps now that the crowdfund is finished? Vacation ends tomorrow, at which point we will go home. Thankfully the house is a normal temperature and all fans and dehumidifiers have been removed, so we can actually live there. I'll finish the BackerKit Survey details over the next few days and submit it for review. By Monday or Tuesday, I hope BackerKit will authorize the survey and it will go out to all of you.

I will give until July 29th for you to answer your survey (which includes number/letter requests, personalization requests, the name you want printed in the BackerKit Backers section at the back of all editions of The Dark Thorn, etc.). Then I'll take final payments on August 5th for any additional Add-Ons ordered.

I should be getting my copyedit back on The Dark Thorn in the next few weeks, so I'll tackle that. Then the book will be laid out (it kind of already is since we are using a similar layout to The King-Killing Queen). During all of this, I'll be preparing the merchandise files, getting all merchandise into production, and will be continuing to write the Choose Your Own Adventure here on BackerKit. Because that's fun.

I have a tentative timeline of shipping by April 1, 2025. But if all goes well with all elements of this -- especially Don Maitz's extra are that he will be producing due to the Stretch Goal being hit -- we might be able to ship a month or two before that. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, if you have any questions, do let me know! I'm always around! Think I'll go be sick and lay down in the shade and watch my kids play at the lake.

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