Grim Oak Press
7 months ago

Project Update: Update: Surveys Being Sent Out & UNAVOWED Pre-Launch Link

Hey Everyone,

Thank you for your patience while I setup the Backer Store and got the survey system ready. It's been a crazy two weeks at House Speakman but all good things happening.

Today, I made the final changes that the fine folks at BackerKit suggested for that Backer Store and the surveys. A few moments ago, I sent out the Smoke Test. The Smoke Test is a way to validate whether or not I've done a good job with the store and survey, by only sending a small percentage of surveys out. If there are no issues, then I'll send out all of the surveys to everyone and you'll be able to answer the number/letter questions, purchase add-ons, enter your mailing address, pay for your shipping, etc. And hopefully it is all easy!

Expect more news from me in a day or two about how the Smoke Test goes. And I'll also write you that new continuation of Merle and Snedeker's story by the weekend. Will try to make the Choose The Adventure more challenging too.

Backer Store HERE should be open! I hope!

In other news, I'm excited to share news about Unavowed: New Tales from Masters of Fantasy, the next Grim Oak Press anthology. Click HERE to view more details about it, the authors involved, their story titles, timelines, etc. And be sure to join the PRE-LAUNCH page on Kickstarter if you are so inclined (900+ people have already joined)! It's the best way to stay up to date.

I should be getting my final edits on The Dark Thorn soon from the copyeditor. And this coming week I'm going to have the Map of Annwn printed, to get those shipped out early. Things are moving!

If you have any questions, do reach out. I'm always available. 

With Magic,

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