Shawn Speakman
3 months ago

Project Update: $80,000 Stretch Goal Reached Overnight!

Hi Dark Thorn Backers,

You kept it going overnight! We have achieved the $80,000 Stretch Goal.

So a map of Annwn by Jared Blando has been unlocked! The eBook and trade hardcover will print it in black and white; the S&N, S&L, and Rare editions will have a full-color tip. I'm not sure if the tip will be a foldout or single-page yet. We shall see what Jared turns his work in. After talking with him this morning, he thinks he can get the map done by the end of June. So I'll have something to show you before the BackerKit ends!

A map is important for this story, as the knight Richard McCallister and his ward Bran Ardall venture from Seattle into what is the Arthurian legend's Avalon. While in Annwn, the story takes me many different places. The map will help the reader navigate that journey.

What's next? $90,000! Where all the physical books will get foil. And the S&N, S&L, and Rare editions will become multi-signed by me and the artists. We are so close to this Stretch Goal so I know we'll break it today. And happily so, since The King-Killing Queen S&N, S&L, and Rare editions were also multi-signed.

A fun day ahead for me. My youngest son Kael turns 5 years old! Rather than go to school, he's coming with me and my wife as we chaperone our 8 year old son's field trip to the Seattle aquarium. Then Kael has pre-school graduation and, after that, his birthday dinner. A busy day! Try not to wreck the place, will ya?

As usual, if you have any questions about any of this, do ask.

Onward with Magic,


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