Grim Oak Press
10 months ago

Project Update: Poll: Which cover do you prefer for The Dark Thorn?

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Things are beginning to ramp up here!

First off, the amazing Magali Villeneuve has begun work on the new cover for The Dark Thorn. She painted the artwork on The King-Killing Queen and I'm so fortunate she had the time to tackle Richard and his sword Arondight once held by Lancelot.

That said, she sent me an email this morning with two choices. I do want your feedback since it is ultimately all of you who will be buying the book. You should have a say, right? Hence, today, I am conducting our first poll. Take a look at the image below and then vote on the direction you'd like Magali to take. I think this is a fun way to get you involved as well as get your valuable insight.

As you can see, the cover design will mirror what we did on The King-Killing Queen. Richard will be aged up a bit, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with this direction. And for those of you who have read The Dark Thorn already, please don't mention the lack of the staff in this painting. I'm doing this for a reason. I don't want spoilers posted. Ha!

Feel free to post your thoughts below after you vote! Let's have some fun!

With Thorny Magic,

PS: To vote, you do have to Follow the project on BackerKit, I believe.

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