Green Ronin Publishing
6 months ago

Project Update: August Update

It’s something of an understatement to say that August did not go as planned. We kicked it off with Gen Con, which as our biggest show of the year sucked up a lot of time and resources. The show was good, but the aftermath was not. Half the team came home with Covid, a real danger when you get 71,000 people in one place and very few take precautions. This was a particularly bad variant, and we had people sick in bed and quarantining for up to two weeks. Then our graphic designer on Fifth Season got food poisoning. So, I am sad to report this cursed month was not very productive.

As a mea culpa, we’re sending a $10 coupon for our online store to all backers who pledged at least $30. You can get a nice discount on a book or take advantage of our many PDFs under $10 at no cost to you. Recent PDF releases include Trades of the Expanse: Trader/Smuggler for you sci-fi fans, the Fantasy AGE adventure Return to the Valley of the Whispering Titans, and Engine #1. The latter is a magazine in support of all our games that are powered by Adventure Game Engine. That, of course, includes the Fifth Season.

Here's to a better September.
Chris Pramas

Check your email inbox (or spam folder) for a message from Backerkit containing the code for the Green Ronin Online Store. Or check the "Digital Downloads" section on your backer survey for this project. The code is being distributed after this update goes live, so it may take a little time for it to reach everyone.

As usual, please reach out to us at [email protected] if you run into any issues using or receiving the coupon code.

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