Green Ronin Publishing
3 months ago

Project Update: December Update:

Hello backers,

Before we close for the holidays, I want to give you an update about where the Fifth Season RPG is at and when you can expect it. The game is currently scheduled for a March release in print, with the PDF coming the month before. Art has continued to come in, so it’ll largely be a matter of finishing the book’s layout in January. We plan to send the Game Moderator’s Kit to print at the same time, so they can ship together.

So, that’s the plan. N.K. Jemisin has already read the game and given us feedback, which we have implemented. Once the layout is done, we will send her a PDF for final approval. When we get the thumbs up, you’ll get the PDF and we’ll send it to print.

Thank you for your patience. Have a great holiday season!
Chris Pramas

And now, some more art previews with commentary from Hiromi!

This is Moasi, everyone’s favorite Strongback! (or at least Hiromi’s favorite) She’s coming back from a successful hunt that took care of a wolf threat to the comm. As a bonus, it’ll provide a warm fur pelt, a fair bit of meat, and assorted other bits that the comm can make use of. Art by Danil Luzin.

This is Kaneya Fivering, formerly of the Somidlats, now quite obviously based out of Fulcrum. He’s out on a mission, fixing up a comm wall that was damaged in an earth shake. Art by Danil Luzin.

This is a Season-changed kirkhusa. They’re ordinarily quite cute and cuddly, but this one will take your face off if you’re not careful. Art by Claudio Pozas.

Moasi’s back! (I told you she was Hiromi’s favorite Strongback) Here she is giving a commless raider a quick lesson. Art by Claudio Pozas.






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