Green Ronin Publishing
4 months ago

Project Update: November Update: New Art!

Hey folks,

This month we have another art preview for you. Finalizing the art for a book and waiting for it to be completed is nearly always the most time-consuming part of a project. It can a little frustrating when the book is so close to being finished, but you're still waiting on just one or two more pieces.

We've had a LOT of new art come in this month, and every piece brings us that much closer to the book's release!  Here's a few highlights with commentary from Hiromi.

This is a look at the Miroq Festival, which is both the name of the adventure in the core book and the name of the festival that the players’ characters will visit during the scenario. As some Broken Earth fans might already know, miroq is the name of a grain that was the staple crop of the Nomidlats and Somidlats (and by extension, the Equatorials). The Fungus Season in 602 Imperial wiped the crop out. While the crop has been extinct for around 2,200 years, the festival in honor of a successful harvest season has remained off and on in certain parts of the Midlats. Art by Danil Luzin.

These are the three Leaders of the comms participating in the Miroq Festival: (from left to right) Zeah Leadership Tozon (the PCs’ leader), Niyomi Leadership Estra, and Aleke Leadership Rowene. Zeah is a tough woman who needs the festival to go well as the comm hasn’t been doing well lately. Niyomi is the festival’s charming host. And Aleke has been the headman of Rowene for an unusually long time, given that he’s only in his early 30s. He hates Zeah and blames her for his husband’s old injury. Art by Danil Luzin.

This is part of the PCs’ convoy, departing Tozon and heading for Estra, the site of the Miroq Festival. Art by Danil Luzin.

And finally we have a new preview of the map in color! Although it still has some minor revisions needed, so this isn't quite the final version yet.

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