Green Ronin Publishing
3 months ago

Project Update: What an Incredible First Day!

That's TWO more Achievement Goals unlocked!

Not only did we reach the Daemon's Gambit VTT tokens today, but we unlocked all four books in hardcover! And before midnight EST!!

At its peak, the "Backer Train" reached 871, which is really pretty cool. The train only resets if someone hasn't made a pledge in 10 minutes, so we were all cheering every time that number climbed even higher!

Today has been absolutely amazing, and we can't thank you all enough!

A few members of Team Ronin were up pretty early today for the Launch Party livestream, so we're going to call it a night, and pick up tomorrow after some much needed sleep. But y'all are just the best!

We have a lot more in store for this campaign, so keep a weather eye out, and we'll keep you updated!
Once we reach this goal, the Free Navy Conflict book will be upgraded from a softcover to a casebound hardcover, with no price change for backers!
Goal: $150,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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