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Green Ronin Publishing
6 days ago
February Update! Miniatures and Gen Con 2025!
Hey folks, This month we have an update from Chris Pramas, world renowned lover of wargaming and infamous victim of an ancient Egyptian dice rolling curse. (We told him not...
Green Ronin Publishing
about 1 month ago
January Update
Greetings, Expanse fans! Ian (Developer for The Expanse RPG) here again with your monthly update on The Expanse RPG: Transport Union Edition crowdfunder on Backerkit. I’m p...
Green Ronin Publishing
about 2 months ago
First Stretch Goal Delivering Now: The 2019 Expanse RPG Core Rulebook!
Hey Folks, Happy Friday! During the campaign the first stretch goal we unlocked was a complimentary copy of the Expanse RPG Core Rulebook from 2019 on DrivethruRPG. This is ...
Green Ronin Publishing
about 2 months ago
We are go for Late Pledges!
Hey folks, Missed the campaign? It's not too late! You can still make a pledge choosing one of the reward levels RIGHT HERE! (also right here, in case you need to copy/pa...
Green Ronin Publishing
2 months ago
Surveys delayed until next week.
Hey folks, Sorry for the hold up. We got approval from Backerkit to launch the smoke test right before the holiday break last week, as expected, but they strongly suggested that we wait until they were back in the office in the event that anything went wrong with the pledge m...
Green Ronin Publishing
2 months ago
December Update!
Hey Folks,  Ian (developer for The Expanse RPG) here with an update on The Expanse: Transport Union Edition crowdfunder. First, I want to thank all of you for helping to make...
Green Ronin Publishing
about 2 months ago

Project Update: We are go for Late Pledges!

Hey folks,

Missed the campaign? It's not too late!

You can still make a pledge choosing one of the reward levels RIGHT HERE!

also right here, in case you need to copy/paste the link into your browser:)

It does look a little different, so feel free to come back to the "Pledge Levels" page here to see all the cool stuff you can get to help you decide. Once you choose a Pledge, and enter your email, you'll be taken directly to the survey questions, followed by the add-ons page to choose any extras and finalize your order. And that's all there is to it!

If you're already a backer, first of all thanks again! and secondly, let your gaming group know they have another shot to pick up some of these incredibly cool new Expanse RPG books and accessories at these special crowdfunding prices!

As a reminder, if you run into trouble with your pledge or survey, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get things sorted out for you. Backerkit doesn't reliably notify us of comments or activity in the community section, so PLEASE email us if you have an issue.

Now lets see if we can unlock that last Stretch Goal!
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Green Ronin Publishing
6 days ago

Project Update: February Update! Miniatures and Gen Con 2025!

Hey folks,

This month we have an update from Chris Pramas, world renowned lover of wargaming and infamous victim of an ancient Egyptian dice rolling curse. (We told him not to touch the canopic jars, but he kept mumbling something about a 2+ invuln save.) Also stick around after the update for a message about how you can help us out at Gen Con this year by volunteering to run games of The Expanse!

Take it away Chris!

Chris Pramas here with an update on the Expanse miniatures. Crowdfunders often have bumps in the road but I’m happy to report that both sets of minis are proceeding smoothly. Hudson and the Wargames Atlantic crew have been great to work with.

At this stage we are finalizing what each sprue (AKA frame) will look like. For the crew minis, more parts were sculpted than will fit on a sprue (this was intentional, so we’d have options). In the crowdfunder, we’d promise 6 bodies per sprue (18 minis/box) but Hudson was able to get another on there, so it’ll be 7 per sprue (21/box). Here’s the crew sprue as it stands.

The crew box will include 25mm round bases. And not just your standard flat black bases either. Wargames Atlantic has sculpted bases that look like the decking of ship or space station. Check ‘em out!

The ships were a little easier, because they are not mix and match pieces like the crew. Each mini is of a specific model of ship. Assembly for these will be dead easy, as they are only 1-3 pieces each, plus a flight stand. Here’s a shot of what assembled ships will look like.

Once the sprues design is finished, Wargames Atlantic will then send them off for tooling, the process which creates the molds for production. In the meantime, we will design the boxes. I’ll check in again when we are close to production.

Thanks Chris!

Say, are you going to Gen Con this year? Want some help paying for your convention badge? Want to run games of The Expanse? Check out this post from Jonesy over at the Ronin Roundtable Blog for details, and then get in touch with him at [email protected], or drop by the Atomic Think Tank

Fun fact: Before coming onboard as our resident VTT virtuoso, Jonesy also used to be a member of the old Freebooter program running games for us at conventions like Gen Con!
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Hi! I add a bunch of old books to my pledge as addons. Will those go out at the same time as the new books? What about the pdfs? Is there a chance we can get them early? Thanks!






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Is there a way to change my pledge level or is it too late






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Green Ronin Publishing
about 1 month ago

Project Update: January Update

Greetings, Expanse fans!

Ian (Developer for The Expanse RPG) here again with your monthly update on The Expanse RPG: Transport Union Edition crowdfunder on Backerkit. I’m pleased to report that despite a few personal setbacks, we are still on target to deliver the books on schedule. Both the core rulebook Free Navy Conflict are currently in editing, and both Daemon’s Gambit and the Crew Companion are fully written and in development. We’ve got some truly fantastic writers on these books, some of whom you all may be familiar with from previous Expanse RPG books and some who are new or fairly new. Returning veterans include: Keith Garrett Jason Mical, Mari Murdock, Pete Woodworth, and of course the inestimable Steve Kenson. Relative newcomers but equally awesome include: Christine Beard, Bradon Crilly Jack Houser, Meric Moir. Each of these writers brings their own unique perspective to The Expanse RPG universe.

We also have a short preview for one of the music tracks composed by Michael Gordon Shapiro! Check this out!

 Main Theme Sample

As a reminder, Late Pledges are open for folks who missed the campaign. We are still working toward unlocking that final Inner Planets adventure, so be sure to tell your friends!

There are also still quite a lot of you who have not yet completed your pledge manager survey. Please do so at your first opportunity! We are going to need accurate counts for how many things to produce with some of those accessories. The current estimate for locking the pledge manager is late March, which is going to sneak up on us faster than you think. If you run into any problems with your survey, or have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]. Notifications for recent comments here are unreliable, so be sure to use email!

That’s about all we have for you this month. If you are itching to play The Expanse RPG, don’t forget to download the new Quickstart that comes with six new pre-gens and a new adventure, Lost But Not Alone, set during the Transport Union era. 
See you next time!





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