Project Update: We are go for Late Pledges!
Missed the campaign? It's not too late!
You can still make a pledge choosing one of the reward levels RIGHT HERE!
(also right here, in case you need to copy/paste the link into your browser:)
It does look a little different, so feel free to come back to the "Pledge Levels" page here to see all the cool stuff you can get to help you decide. Once you choose a Pledge, and enter your email, you'll be taken directly to the survey questions, followed by the add-ons page to choose any extras and finalize your order. And that's all there is to it!
If you're already a backer, first of all thanks again! and secondly, let your gaming group know they have another shot to pick up some of these incredibly cool new Expanse RPG books and accessories at these special crowdfunding prices!
As a reminder, if you run into trouble with your pledge or survey, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get things sorted out for you. Backerkit doesn't reliably notify us of comments or activity in the community section, so PLEASE email us if you have an issue.
Now lets see if we can unlock that last Stretch Goal!
Project Update: January Update
Ian (Developer for The Expanse RPG) here again with your monthly update on The Expanse RPG: Transport Union Edition crowdfunder on Backerkit. I’m pleased to report that despite a few personal setbacks, we are still on target to deliver the books on schedule. Both the core rulebook Free Navy Conflict are currently in editing, and both Daemon’s Gambit and the Crew Companion are fully written and in development. We’ve got some truly fantastic writers on these books, some of whom you all may be familiar with from previous Expanse RPG books and some who are new or fairly new. Returning veterans include: Keith Garrett Jason Mical, Mari Murdock, Pete Woodworth, and of course the inestimable Steve Kenson. Relative newcomers but equally awesome include: Christine Beard, Bradon Crilly Jack Houser, Meric Moir. Each of these writers brings their own unique perspective to The Expanse RPG universe.
We also have a short preview for one of the music tracks composed by Michael Gordon Shapiro! Check this out!
Main Theme Sample
As a reminder, Late Pledges are open for folks who missed the campaign. We are still working toward unlocking that final Inner Planets adventure, so be sure to tell your friends!
There are also still quite a lot of you who have not yet completed your pledge manager survey. Please do so at your first opportunity! We are going to need accurate counts for how many things to produce with some of those accessories. The current estimate for locking the pledge manager is late March, which is going to sneak up on us faster than you think. If you run into any problems with your survey, or have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]. Notifications for recent comments here are unreliable, so be sure to use email!
That’s about all we have for you this month. If you are itching to play The Expanse RPG, don’t forget to download the new Quickstart that comes with six new pre-gens and a new adventure, Lost But Not Alone, set during the Transport Union era.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
If you select the Special Edition of the new core book as an add-on, but it is your only copy of the new book, it does not appear to include a copy of the PDF.
Project Update: First Stretch Goal Delivering Now: The 2019 Expanse RPG Core Rulebook!
Happy Friday! During the campaign the first stretch goal we unlocked was a complimentary copy of the Expanse RPG Core Rulebook from 2019 on DrivethruRPG. This is the first edition of the rules, so if you are new to the Expanse, you can get started playing the full game right away!
Emails are going out from DrivethruRPG in batches, so they may not all land in everyone's inbox right away, but any pledge that includes a reward (Camina Drummer or higher) should have it added to their library by tomorrow.
As always, if you run into any issues or concerns, you can reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll get things sorted out for you. While we try to check back for comments here as often as we can, we don't always get notifications for them, so email is the best way to reach us.
And before we sign off, if you happen to find yourself in the Pacific Northwest, team Ronin is at OrcaCon this weekend! Come by the booth and say hello in the Merchant's Hall and get in a few games while you're here!
This user contributed to this community!
Hello, I’m looking into the add-ons and I’m just unclear on a few things: 1. How compatible are the materials from the old books with the revised edition? 2. Are books like the Ships from the Expanse still relevant, or is the new Players companion book largely reintroducing the same material with some extras, and more polish? 3. Do the adventures (such as Abzu’s Bounty) add anything in terms of equipment or rules?