Christopher Badell
7 months ago

Project Update: Gen Con Disparation!

Greetings, Sentinels!

Our work at Gen Con wrapped up less than a day ago, but we're getting back in the saddle to wrap up Disparation! Between my Thursday morning preview event and our Thursday evening Playtest Party event, we got to show off Disparation to quite a few folks at Gen Con! I didn't think to take any pictures, as I was so focused on running the games and making sure everything went smoothly. However, I did see one photo someone got of one of the tables, which I will post here (uncredited as I'm not certain who to credit — I got it from a screen shot of a screen shot!)

OOooh, cards!

But that's not enough cards! I should show you some cards from Hero decks, as well!

Let's start with...

Ah! Excellent! A bounty that expands on the Chrono-Ranger and Con story and provides a mechanical way to get rid of small but troublesome targets.

What else do I have here...?

Oh, this is a fun effect. I enjoy having the occasional rare or even unique effect that does something niche but REALLY situationally powerful, like this card that can straight up just cancel a discover effect. Plus, a useful power that tempts you to get in touch with your Dark side (deck)!

Let's see...

Bam! A useful card that gives K.N.Y.F.E. some focus, since she usually goes wide with damage, rather than deep. Also, I love that flavor text. He thought they were friends!

How about a different art style?

This card does a lot! It's got the Parse Ongoing card boilerplate, a useful ally support power, and an end phase that you can use a couple different ways. Plus, actual friendship!

Speaking of friendship, let's wrap up with these two:

This card is both a Soul card AND an Æterna card, so it gets some of the card background treatment of both! Plus, it gives you all the classic Darkstrife and Painstake stuff: drawing cards, discarding cards of a specific type for a thematically appropriate effect, Zane being all edgy. The hits and only the hits!

Will upcoming updates have more reveals? Yes! Will ALL of the updates for the rest of this year have reveals? That is my intention! So, stay tuned for more!

Until next time, keep on saving the Multiverse!






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