Christopher Badell
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation Update – February 2025

Good morning, heroes!

First and foremost, I owe you an apology. We missed last month’s update, and that’s entirely on me. You put your trust in us to keep you in the loop, and I dropped the ball. For that, I’m truly sorry. I don’t take that trust lightly, and I’m committed to keeping our communication steady and transparent going forward.

Now, let me explain why the update didn’t happen. The simple answer is: I was deep in the thick of things, finalizing work on this very game. The good news is — brace yourselves — it’s all done! Well... almost! But we really are in the final stretch. Let me break down exactly where everything stands.

I say "it's all done" above because all of the design, dev, and creation of everything for Disparation is entirely complete, and even all of the cards and punchboard material has completed layout. In fact, I’ve gotten everything back from layout except for the rulebook. Over the course of this week, I’ll be going through all the cards and punchboard files with a fine-toothed comb, giving notes on any errors and edits. I expect the rulebook to come back from layout early next week, and I’ll be doing a full editing pass on it within 48 hours of receiving it. After that, I’ll get the updated layout files back fairly quickly. Once that happens, I’ll do a final_FINAL_1 pass on all of it — along with our ever-vigilant playtesters — so we can catch any last-minute issues before everything is sent to print!

Speaking of print, here’s another bit of good timing. Even if we had finished things a couple of weeks ago, the factory wouldn’t have been able to start production just yet due to the Chinese New Year holiday period. But that’s working in our favor now! By the time they’re ready to resume work, we’ll be ready to send them everything. This means we’ll be sending the files to print this month!

I know the wait has been long, and I know we’re overdue for that rulebook PDF I’ve been promising. The wait is almost over. In next month’s update, I’ll finally have that PDF for you to check out, and it'll have a lot of interesting reveals! I’ll also share more details on the production schedule and what comes next as we move toward fulfillment and delivery later this year.

And hey — February’s the shortest month, so at least you won’t have to wait too long for that next update, right? (Small consolation, I know!)

Finally, I was looking through what things had been revealed in previous updates and realized there was one deck that had fewer revealed cards than any other deck: The Visionary's Dark side deck! So, here are a couple more cards from that, just as a nice feel-good ending...

Oh, uh...

Yikes! Um, I may have missed the mark for a feel-good ending. Welp. Here's her First Appearance character card? That's at least a bit nicer!

Thank you all so much for your patience and support. We’re almost there, and I couldn’t be more excited about finally bringing this game to life for you.

Stay heroic,
user avatar image for Bailey (ze/zem)





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