Project Update: Time Marches On!
Heroes, villains, and everything in between, we’ve got another Disparation update for you!
We’ve been deep in the trenches with the layout team, playtesters, and factory, going back and forth to make sure every detail is just right. We want to ensure Disparation looks its absolute best and plays as smoothly as possible when it finally lands in your hands, and things are looking good!
We are still on track for release this year! Ideally, we’re aiming to have it in hand before Gen Con, but with the ever-changing landscape of shipping logistics and new tariffs, we don’t want to make any promises we can’t keep. That said, we’re hopeful, and we’ll keep you updated as we go!
And now, the moment many of you have been waiting for — the Disparation rulebook is here! (I only have a "send to the printer" quality PDF of the rulebook, which was HUGE and took a long time to load, so I did some janky things to it to reduce the file size to vaguely manageable, so it's got some artifacting and low image quality that will NOT be in the final version.) That’s right, as promised, you can finally bask in its glory. Bask! BASK!
Thank you all so much for your patience and support. The finish line is in sight, and we can’t wait to get Disparation into your hands! I look forward to telling you about how the printing is going in next month's update!
We’ve been deep in the trenches with the layout team, playtesters, and factory, going back and forth to make sure every detail is just right. We want to ensure Disparation looks its absolute best and plays as smoothly as possible when it finally lands in your hands, and things are looking good!
We are still on track for release this year! Ideally, we’re aiming to have it in hand before Gen Con, but with the ever-changing landscape of shipping logistics and new tariffs, we don’t want to make any promises we can’t keep. That said, we’re hopeful, and we’ll keep you updated as we go!
And now, the moment many of you have been waiting for — the Disparation rulebook is here! (I only have a "send to the printer" quality PDF of the rulebook, which was HUGE and took a long time to load, so I did some janky things to it to reduce the file size to vaguely manageable, so it's got some artifacting and low image quality that will NOT be in the final version.) That’s right, as promised, you can finally bask in its glory. Bask! BASK!
Thank you all so much for your patience and support. The finish line is in sight, and we can’t wait to get Disparation into your hands! I look forward to telling you about how the printing is going in next month's update!