Christopher Badell
4 months ago

Project Update: July! Work continues!

Good afternoon, everyone.

Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation is still underway, but it's going well and getting better all the time. I had a meeting this morning with our intrepid and frankly badass graphic designer Rae about what needs to happen for final layout, and she's already underway with many elements of this game. Things are going well! Things are taking WAY longer than expected! Two things can be true.

I am disappointed that this is taking as long as it has, and it's not just because of my medical exciting times earlier this year — the development cycle on Disparation has been rough, largely due to how ambitious of a project this is. And the next Sentinels of the Multiverse project will be ambitious, as well! Fortunately, we've learned a lot from this project, and we will be MUCH further along before going to crowdfunding with a Sentinels product ever again. So, apologies for the delays, but we didn't want to skimp on quality and we likely jumped the gun with an early launch. I absolutely understand any impatience — I want it done and perfect and in my hands NOW! I get it! And it's still moving along and doing well. Just, y'know, bear with us.

If you're going to be at Gen Con, I'll have some Disparation content with me to show off, and I very much look forward to doing so! As for updates here, the next month's update will be on the Tuesday just after Gen Con, so we'll be pretty beat, but not without content to share! Things I'm putting together to show off at Gen Con can be revealed in that update! I look forward to doing so.

Oh, I almost forgot! Trevor made a VERY cool video about Rook City Renegades. It's pretty long, but worth it. Check it out!

Until next time, keep on saving the Multiverse!





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