Bailey (ze/zem)
10 months ago

Project Update: Getting closer!

 Welcome back, neighbors!

Summer is right around the corner! We hope that your grilling game is ready because you’ll soon be able to practice with this awesome game! Where is it now? Excellent question.

It is still being delivered here to us in the US, though we anticipate that it should be delivered by the end of this month or beginning of next month. Yeah, not exactly the “it’s delivered!” news that we were hoping for, but progress is being made! We’re set to either be right on time or just barely outside of our projected window for delivery. License to Grill is thankfully not experiencing any big delays such as bad weather or the like, it’s just taking a little longer than we’d hoped. But! Fear not, should there be any bit of news — even outside of our normal update schedule, you’ll be the first to know.

Since delivery creeps ever closer, now is the time to get your addresses updated! It’s not quite the final call for addresses, but you want to make sure that your address is accurate and up to date. You should be able to change your address by following this link here. But, if you need to change states, please email us at [email protected] where we’ll be able to update the address for you!






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