Bailey (ze/zem)
12 months ago

Project Update: License to Grill is still on a boat!

 Welcome back, neighbors!

This update should be short and sweet as there’s (thankfully! whew!) not a whole lot to update you about! License to Grill is on a boat and heading to us. There don’t seem to be any delays, so far. We’ll likely be able to see our fulfillment deadline right around May as expected! Oh and, do us a favor and utilize whatever superstition you might have to keep that good news flowing. We want it to get to you as much as you do!

Now that we have a better idea of a timeline, now’s the time to be getting your addresses in order. This is not the final call for address updates. We’ll post about that as it gets a little closer to time, and that update might even be off of our monthly schedule. The shipping process, especially the ocean freight portion, is vague enough to make planning difficult. Fun! But, at this point, things are looking good!

Should you need to change your address around that time, be sure to email [email protected] where we’ll be able to help you further. If you have any questions, you can let us know there, too! 

That’s all for now! We’ll see you next month where we hopefully tell you all about fulfillment!







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