Bailey (ze/zem)
12 months ago

Project Update: License to Grill is on a boat!

Welcome back, neighbors! I have fantastic news! The product is now on a boat! But we aren’t entirely in the clear yet. 

But wait, I hear you say, how can we be not in the clear if the product is on its way to you? An excellent question. Unfortunately, shipping across the Pacific ocean is the least predictable and most tumultuous part of the entire fulfillment process. We anticipate that the shipment across the ocean should take about two months. But — big, giant, huge but here — this is the part where things are the most likely to go wrong. Anything from rocky seas to a storm to any number of other things could cause a delay. So, we don’t want to promise no more issues, as it’s so far out of our hands right now.

Don’t worry, though! Should there be a delay, you’ll be the first to know, and we’ll give you an updated timeline as soon as we have it available. For now, though, we are looking for it to arrive at our warehouse in late April with a fulfillment in May! Which is right exactly on time of what we thought it would be! Woo!

Speaking of fulfillment and such, should you have an address change that you want to make, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. Lydia (our newest employee!) is able to help you get that squared away. And, as always, we’ll be able to answer any other questions that you might have. 

That’s all for now! We’ll see you next month where we’ll be able to keep you updated on our shipping situation.


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