Bailey (ze/zem)
3 months ago

Project Update: DOTR Campaign Relaunching in 2025

Hi everyone,

As you may garner from the title of this update, we are canceling this campaign, with the plan of relaunching in 2025 after implementing the valuable feedback many of you shared. 

Before anything else, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to the backers who supported us in the first 48 hours of the campaign, demoed Defenders at conventions, and helped share the word wide and far.

To everyone who commented and shared their feedback, we are listening. We hear your passion for this game, and know that there are several hurdles preventing many of you from backing (and therefore enjoying) Defenders.

Reasons for relaunch

With that in mind, we do plan to relaunch the campaign next year. This is simply a pause to let everyone enjoy the holidays and give our team time to address all the notes.

We’ve compiled all your comments into three main categories:

Price point
We know there was some surprise at the price of the starting pledge level. We love the table presence of seeing the heroes and villains vying for control of Monarch City, but understand that for many of you, miniatures aren’t necessary to feel immersed. Our development team and manufacturing partners will collaborate on creating the best product possible, with the same great gameplay, but at a lower price point.

Achievement types
As supporters of other crowdfunding campaigns, you’re accustomed to certain types of achievements. We’ll work on redesigning the achievement list and organization so that your excitement for the campaign is reflected in the unlocks you help achieve.

This is a hard time of year for everyone. We didn’t want to disappoint, after already pushing the campaign launch, but good things take time. Instead of asking you to choose between holiday gifts or backing this game, we’ll make the choice easier and relaunch in 2025.

Communication plan

For the near future, all of the work to implement the above changes will happen behind the scenes. The multiple occurrences of “Oh, here’s an idea! Nevermind, it won’t work for ___ reasons” is not worth additional notifications in your inboxes.

We’ll plan on updating you at key points of the relaunch process, such as when the relaunch date is chosen, when we’ve got major progress on changes, and, of course, when the new campaign is live.

For those of you who backed the campaign, rest assured that no money will be charged and your pledges will be canceled.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know here, on BoardGameGeek, or by emailing [email protected]. For those of you reading this without having backed, you can also stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.






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