Bailey (ze/zem)
3 months ago

Project Update: Pay over time & Social goals!

Hello, heroes! Wow, what an incredible first day. Thank you for joining us here on this great campaign. We certainly can't do it without you.

Quick update to let you know that we have heard your feedback! We have turned on the pay-over-time feature on! So, you'll be able to pay in increments of 4 instead of everything all at once. Exciting! That's only four monthlty payments of $37.50 for the base game!

Our first stream went fantastically! We did not win, but we had a great time answering your questions and playing the game with each other. We got to tell you all pretty much everything there is to know about the bosses and heroes in the core game. Be sure to join us over on Twitch on Thursday from 3-5PM CT.

Finally, don't forget about our social goals! For Tiktok likes, Twitter retweets, BGG thumbs up, and Instagram reel shares, we'll unlock social goals that give you access to cool things like profile pics and backgrounds! In fact, we've unlocked our very first community goal! You can download the avatars here on Dropbox or directly here.

Thank you all for a fantastic first day to the campaign. We can't wait to see you on Thursday!
user avatar image for Bailey (ze/zem)





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