Bailey (ze/zem)
4 months ago

Project Update: Follower Exclusive — Knales the Druid

Within the Unicorn Forest lives a tribe of druids. Long have their traditions held, passing down from one chieftess to the next. They know that in order to survive correctly, one must live with the land and not against it. One must understand the beast in order to build a better community, forest, and peace amongst yourself. That is the life that Knales knew growing up—one with those around her.

Now, though, her grove is threatened. In order to protect her home, she has ventured forth, against her mother’s wishes, to fight. She believes that there will not be peace in their perfect forest until there is peace across the land. She can’t stay here and do nothing while those around her suffer - lest her people be the ones to face the threat next. And, of course, now minions are starting to rear their ugly heads at the edges of the wood. She and her beast form will conquer the bosses and bring balance to nature once again!

Knales the Druid is ready to take action! And we have been taking action ourselves.

If you've been following along on our blog, you'll have learned all about our heroes, bosses, and the basics of the game.

Here, though, we are bringing you info on our first stretch goal hero: Knales the Druid! Don’t let her looks fool you. She’s tougher than she seems.

“Wait,” I hear you saying. “What about her stats like might and skill? Magic? Where are her other two abilities?!”

Aha! Here is where it gets particularly interesting.

Knales has different abilities and stats based on whether she is in her caster form or her pandolin form (that’s a panda-pangolin hybrid, obviously).  You switch between the two when her deck runs out, as you can see from the above. You may also notice that she has one less ability than those around her. That’s because her cards pack one heck of a punch.

For her cards, there are either caster (foot) or pandolin (paw) that she can follow, depending on what state she’s in. Typically, the caster side is going to allow for more strategic movement and healing of her comrades. The beast side is going to allow her to hit harder. She also has the option of a utility at any time on most of her cards. Though some are still only move, attack, or utility.

Oh, and she comes with two miniatures for you to switch between. Not only her human form, but her pandolin form as well. You'll have to wait and see those in action as the campaign goes live!

Knales is a mighty hero who should not be underestimated because of her adorable stature. She is ready to use the might of nature to fight those who would do her people wrong. 





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