Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
4 months ago

Project Update: Patch Notes and Wrapping Things Up

Hello Rollers!

We hope you've been enjoying playing with Roll20 for DCC and both Goodman Games and the folks at Metamorphic appreciate your feedback and bug reports. The Metamorphic team has been working hard to implement them and they have provided me with patch notes of everything that's been addressed and what's going to be fixed in the next update before the end of the month. You all helped make these corrections possible, so thank you very much.


Core Rule Book + Sheet
 - Critical + Fumble buttons added to Weapon section. Luck modifier is automatically added to both and the Fumble button will take armor into account.
 - Rollable Tables tab added to Sheet. Tables include all options by default, but die size can be decreased if you need to roll a smaller die.
 - Hit Die button added to sheet to generate HP when leveling.
 - Ammunition counter added for missile weapons.
 - Missile weapons correctly add Agility modifier to attack rolls now.
 - Gold value added to armor.
 - Making a Luck roll now displays whether or not you succeed in a Luck Check by default.
 - Deed Die for Warrior + Dwarf has been updated. The deed die must be rolled at the start of every round of combat manually - once initially rolled, that bonus will be automatically added to attack and damage rolls. Rolling the deed die again updates the bonus to the new value.
 - Charactermancer Button added so you can reopen it if accidentally closed or you want to reroll your stats on the same character.

Next Patch To Do List - ETA 10/31 or sooner
 - Add a "Current Stats" field when stats are temporarily reduced.
 - Add a "roll health" button for NPCs to automate health based on Hit Dice instead of manually rolling.
 - Add "Notes" field to all weapons, armor, and equipment.

Sailors of the Starless Sea
 - Add handouts for all unique items found in the module

The next patch should correct any outstanding issues that have been reported, but if you find anything else that needs attention, please continue to report them to Metamorphic via this link: https://support.metamorphic-digital.com/

If you're encountering any lingering issues with fulfillment (codes not working, no codes delivered, etc.), please contact Goodman Games at [email protected] and our excellent Customer Service team will be happy to get things sorted.

The various Roll20 for DCC products will go on sale next week and with that we'll be wrapping up this Backerkit project. I'd like to once again thank you for your support which made this all possible. We're looking forward to working with Metamorphic on future projects and we'll announce what those are when the time is right.

In the meantime, here's a couple of other crowdfunding projects we'd like to draw your attention to:

Terror From the Underdeep is our next crowdfunding, “sooner or later” when we finish up a few other things. Follow the project to learn more details as we announce them.





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