Goodman Games
9 months ago

Project Update: Roundup: new stretch goals, new poll, PDF previews, and more

Whew. It's been a busy couple days. I was telling someone "I can't believe it's only been 4 days since this campaign started"...then I realized it had actually been only 3 days at that point! Thank you backers for helping us accomplish so much so quickly!

This update is a round-up of several topics, some of which you may have seen already in comments or livestreams. If you're eagerly awaiting the new stretch goals, scroll right to the bottom! If you have the patience to learn a lot more, read your way down there!

By The Way, We Cleared ALL the Stretch Goals

We just closed out the last of the original stretch goals. Wow. The new dungeon mini-level is yours! Full details on new stretch goals are below!

Support DCC "Pirates of the Goblin River"

First I want to give a shoutout to another fun DCC adventure crowdfunding now, "Pirates of the Goblin River." Creator Matt Funk has really embraced the DCC community and this next adventure from him features awesome Stefan Poag cover art. Check it out!
Cover art by Stefan Poag!

New Poll

There's a new poll added below this update - themed around the critters in Caverns of Thracia. We'll be back with more team trivia after that!

Answer to the First Trivia Question

Our first trivia question was, "Beneath the ruins of Thracia is the minotaur king. In Greek mythology, the hero Theseus ventured into the labyrinth of the minotaur. What color was the thread he used to retrace his path?"

The answer we identified as correct is: red.

However... while we can cite our sources for that, after several backer suggestions, we realize there are some credible sources that cite other colors. And none of us was here to witness Theseus! Since Team 5E and Team DCC are within 1% of each other right now (see results here), we're going to call the difference "statistically irrelevant" and get an even more conclusive topic for our second trivia question! Coming soon...

PDF Preview of Dungeon Level 1

Just in case you missed it, we've posted PDF previews of the first dungeon level for each rules system. You can see them below!

Livestream Reveal of the New Stretch Goals

Joseph, Mike and Chris discussed the existing stretch goals and the new ones on Twitch yesterday. If you missed the broadcast, here's a recording. Listen to this if you want more context and details around what we're planning - and if you've ever wondered what an "Archie-pelican" is...

And Finally - New Stretch Goals Revealed!

We just added even more stretch goals, including several that fulfill multiple backer requests: a new Thracia funnel, DCC conversion of "Sacrificial Pyre of Thracia" and 5E conversion of "Beneath the Isle of Serpents," a slipcase add-on, and many more. Here they are!

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